Chuck x Reader: Soulmate Colour AU *15K Special*

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Everything in the world is grey, until you meet your soulmate. Sometimes colour just bursts out and sometimes it fades in. The names of the colours are ingrained into people's brains, but they have no way of recognising them until they meet their soulmate.

"Yeah, Dean, I'm just pulling up. I can see the Impala, I'll be inside in a minute." You pulled the phone away from your ear and hung up, watching the grey screen turn black as you turned it off. You tucked it into your pocket and turned your car, 1968 Dodge Charger (you've been told it's blue), into a parking space behind the familiar black Impala. You cut the engine and got out of the car, grabbing your backpack full of clothes and being careful not to slam the door of your precious Sweetheart. If Dean can call his car 'Baby' you can call yours 'Sweetheart'. It was a gift from Bobby and you all pitched in to fix her up and now she's your pride and joy.

You patted the roof of your car, turning away to walk up the stairs to the porch of the prophet's house. Knocking loudly, you stepped back and waited for one of your brothers to let you in.

Instead, an anxious looking man opened the door and a flash of something caught your eye. You brushed it off as the light, but you couldn't help but wonder...

"So, you must be the Prophet. Chuck, right?" You smiled, walking into the hall as he stood back to open the door further. Glancing around, you turned to face Chuck, who was looking at you with a slightly dazed look.

"You okay?" You asked, concerned. Taking a cautious step forward, you watched as Chuck shook his head, his eyes loosing their glazed sheen.

"Yeah, sorry. Thought I saw... something." He stuck his hand out in front of him, looking like he expected you to refuse it. "I'm Chuck. I assume you're Sam and Dean's sister/brother. Sorry, they didn't tell me your name."

You grinned at your brothers' paranoid nature.

"I'm Y/N. Y/N Winchester." You reached out to grasp his hand and gasped at the shock the ran through you. For a few seconds, it felt as though the whole world had lit up, fireworks of unknown colour flashing across your eyes.

Now you were suspicious. Chuck looked shocked, like that had never happened before, but when his facial expression returned to normal and he didn't say anything in explanation you let it go. Maybe it was just a reaction to his prophet powers.

It was that moment that your overgrown brothers decided to come out of hiding. The door next to you slammed open and in seconds you were wrapped up in strong, comforting arms. It had been a while since you had last seen your brothers, not since the whole torture thing with Alistair.

"Dean!" You let out, hugging back just as tightly. Dean was your big brother, and he had always taken care of you and your twin, Sammy.

Speak of the devil... (haha)

You stepped back from your older brother and was immediately engulfed in the moose arms of your twin, younger than you by only a few minutes. You pressed your face into his chest, holding onto him as if your life depended on it. Sam was more than just your twin. He was your best friend, the only one who had ever really understood what your life was like. Even when he left for Stanford, he was constantly checking in on you, though you never told Dean that. He would have been furious with you, as Sam hardly spoke to him, even over the phone. But that was a long time ago, and right now you were in the arms of your little brother.

"Hey, Sammy. Missed you." Your voice was muffled by Sam's several layers (a Winchester trait you seemed to have inherited).

When you finally pulled back, it was to find Dean and Chuck sat in the living room, your brother seeming to have taken your bag with him. Sam wrapped an arm around your shoulders and led you into the living room.

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