Long Day Ahead

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Reaching the homestead, Newt led the way guiding her up the makeshift stairs into the room above. Below them, on the main level, were hammocks. Arms and legs poured out of the sides to show that each of the Gladers were turning in for the night.

Entering the room above, she walked in behind him. It was a smaller room, but there were two beds on either side. "This was me and Alby's room." Turning to face Newt she moved her eyes from his figure to the window behind him. "He moved his stuff out. That's your bed there." He motioned to the bed behind her. "His way of saying sorry."

Giving him a slight nod her hand flew up to her chest out of habit. Normally the string to her weapon would be there, but this time it wasn't. "Where is it?"

Newt shot her a confused look. Seeing where her hand was however, he understood. "You're new here. People don't trust you. And we have never seen one of those around here. We have it, its safe. And from Galley's point of view if you play your cards right you could get it back. But until then, that and everything else that was on you is ours." Shifting towards his bed Newt kicked off his boots and pulled back the covers. "Now try to get some sleep. You got a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

She would be shown the Glade. How it functions, its restrictions, Galley would show her everything.

Sending Newt one last lingering stare, she dropped her shoulder and pulled back the blankets. Then, with a huff of breath she stayed quiet listening as the boy's breaths slowly began to even out.


Breath tore from his lungs violently as he rounded the upcoming corner. The Grievers, they were right on his heels. Inside Newt knew that he had absolutely no idea where he was going. All he really did know was the fact that he HAD to run.

There were so many. Too many. He wasn't fast enough.

Rounding yet another corner Newt stopped dead in his tracks. There at the end was the cliff. The cliff was where Gladers were banished to death. It was one of their rules. Hurt a fellow Glader, you are banished. Depending on the severity of the harm, the council chooses death, or simple banishment into the Maze at sundown.

But there, at the other end of the stretch was her. The girl from the Maze. "Newt!" She called to him.

He raced forward, the screams of the Grievers echoing beyond the walls behind him. Once at her side he gripped her tight. "What are you doing here love?

"Do you trust me?" Her blue eyes locked into his.

"Wha- I don't understand."

Newt watched as her pink lips curved into a smile. "Do you trust me?"

The pursuing Grievers edged around the corner so the two were in their sight. He however, could not take his eyes off of her. With a swallow, Newt clenched his fists and answered. "Yes."

Her grin lightened to a smile as she grabbed his hands backing towards the ledge. "Then fall."

"Fall? Are you insane?!" Newt grabbed her tightly.

"Cant you see Newtie? It's your time to fall."

And with that, she let go of his grasp and fell over the ledge. He sprang forwards reaching for her flailing body. "NO!"


A cold sweat trickled down his forehead as he shot forward. His chest expanded rapidly, eyes scanning in a panic. The dark room surrounded him as he became engulfed in fear.

After so many breaths, Newt was finally able to pin just where he was. It was all just a dream, he was back in his room.

The girl. Hopefully he hadn't woke her up.

Looking towards her bed, or what used to be Alby's, a panic rose within him again. She wasn't there. Did she run away?

"You too huh?" Her voice called out to him.

Looking towards the voice he locked eyes on her figure. She rested on the edge of the window, body slumped against the frame. One leg hung outward dangling into the outside world.

Swinging his legs over his own bed Newt couldn't help but place his head in his hands. "What are you still doing up?" He questioned softly rising to his feet. It had to be at least a few hours until sun up and here she was, it didn't look like she slept a wink.

A small smile played across her lips as she let her head fall lightly against the windows edge. "I don't really sleep... I mean before when I was in the Maze was one thing. But here, with 40 boys, an unlocked door, and no way out. A girl tends to feel-" she shifted slightly, her breath catching as she rolled her back. "-pressured."

Climbing onto the window next to her they both looked towards the wood line. A quick glance was all Newt needed to memorize her stature. She sat with her knees to to her chest and cheek on her forearms. "How long were you out there?" The words slipped from his tongue. "In the Maze?"

Her blue eyes looked further into the woods. A sad expression could clearly be seen from Newt's point of view. "If I knew I would tell you..." He stared trying to read her eyes. "All I do know, is a very long time."

"By yourself?"

"Yeah." She let her head fall back against the frame and closed her eyes. "I woke up in it. That bow, its all I had. As time went by I picked up more and more things. I didn't know if they were dropped by other survivors or if whoever put me there left them for me. All I did know was that I was alone." She opened her eyes again looking to her hands instead of him. "I memorized that Maze like the back of my hand. God knows I've had enough time."

"Then you saved Minho..." He continued.

She just shrugged and looked outwards again. Then, they averted to his. "He was the first other living person I've ever seen. I had too. I've already seen so many dead. He was the first one I got the chance to save... The first time I had a chance to make a difference."

There was a question burning into the back of Newt's mind. It was asked when they first met, but maybe it was just the heat of the moment. "What's your name?"

"I don't know." She immediately responded. "Like I said I didn't know anything. Other than this." She reached to her neck and pulled out the tag handing it over. "The only thing that I do know is how to survive." She continued as he investigated the 11 marking. "How to find food, water. Everything needed to survive."

"What do you mean?"

"The things you need?" She scoffed. "Food, the vines that grow on the walls. Cut them open and there is a pink gel inside. Eat it, and you'll live. And water? You'd just follow the vines. Any living thing needs water like us... So they are growing from somewhere."

"How did you know this?"

"Instinct I guess. When your going out on starvation you don't really think to much on what's going to kill you. Either way you are dead, so might as well take a chance."

As she played with her own fingers Newt stared at her intently. His heart went out to her. Sure they didn't know one another, but he felt something. There was more to her than met the eye, more layers waiting to be discovered. He wanted to know more... She wasn't bad.

They stayed there all night. Talking and swapping war stories. Newt even learned about the two voices she would normally here. In all honesty too, she was relieved he didn't find it as weired as it should be.

Finally letting out a huff of breath, Newt rose from the window staring out into the morning light. "We best be heading out. You've gotta long day ahead of you." He mumbled throwing his shirt over his head and stuffing his boots on. The girl remained staring out the window, hands clutched together.

Eventually gathering all of his things Newt began to move towards the door. It creaked open under his grasp but her voice stopped him. "Wait."

"Yes love?" He responded surprisingly fast.

She swallowed the swell in her throat and cleared it. "What's your name?"

Letting out a smile at the question Newt chuckled. "It's Newt love, its Newt."

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