Chapter 8: Where is Melody?

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Allyson's POV
"MELODY!" I suddenly yell out. "Where could she be!! I am such a horrible friend!!" I almost started crying, almost. Call me cold-hearted all you want, but I have been through bad stuff and I have learned to keep strong and not cry. "Who?" Laurence asks me. "Melody, my best friend, when I first got here she was here with me, I lost her the day met Garroth, wait. the day I met Garroth Mason was there, I swear if he lays a hand on Melody I will tear him apart limb by limb! "I have to find her! For all I know she could've been kidnapped by Mason!" I start having a panic attack. I sit on the floor and hug my knees and rock back and forth.

"Calm down Allyson, It'll be all right, and you are the sweetest, kindest, beautiful person I have ever met." Laurence said.

Surprisingly it....... soothed me.

I realize he is slowly leaning forward. Oh not this again. "Um thanks Laurence, that calmed me down." I say slowly standing up. "But that doesn't change the fact that we need to look for Melody, say Laurence, do you wanna go on an adventure?" I ask with a goofy smile on my face. "Why of course M'lady!" He said returning my goofy smile.

We walk down to the beach and look around for a good hour and a half and find no sign of Melody. I start to lose hope, and my voice. "Melody" I whisper. I can hardly speak. "Allyson, I am really worried about you, you're losing your voice." Laurence said genuinely worried about my health. "I'm fi-" I try to say but end up losing my voice. We walk back to my hut. "Get some sleep Allyson, you need to let your voice rest." I try to protest by opening my mouth but nothing comes out. "Get some sleep." He says like a parent. I sigh in defeat and shoo him out of my hut so I can change into my pajama's.

Garroth x OC x Laurence : Love By The Beach Book 1Where stories live. Discover now