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The sirens are loud, and I'm sure that by now the entire neighborhood is awake.

The policemen step out of their cars. A couple walk to the door where Ms. Cabello is waiting, and two more officers walk over to us, where we are sitting on the sidewalk.

"Identify yourselves," one of them says. We tell them our names, ages, all that stuff, and they drive us down to the station for questioning.

We're led into the station and are sat down on a bench. One by one, they take us into a small room to ask us questions.

They call my name first.

I walk in and sit down, my heart pounding. I wait for a few minutes until an officer walks in.

"Alright... Shawn Mendes," He says, pressing the record button on a machine.

"I know my rights," I say, because usually that's what people like me say in situations like this on television. My head is already spinning so much, I can barely focus on the man's face.

"I don't understand what's going on. Where is Camila?"

"Can we ask you a few questions, Shawn?" he says, completely ignoring the question I just asked, and I nod.

"Are you aware of Camila Cabello's whereabouts from around 4 p.m. yesterday to 5 a.m. this morning?" he asks. So they don't know where she is?

"Every Tuesday we go hiking. We left at about 4:15 for the trail. The last time I saw her was around 7 p.m. yesterday."

"Where was that?"

"East Bozeman Hiking Trails."

"What happened before you left?"

"I told her that her boyfriend was cheating on her," I say sitting back in my chair, and the officer's eyes widen.

"Hunter Mitchell, correct?" he says. How did he know?


"And where does he live?"

"On Pinewood, sir."

"Where were you from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m.?"

"We waited in the parking lot in her car for her until 2:47 in the morning, sir."

"Camila's car is still in the parking lot?"

"Yeah, as far as I know."

"So you waited, and then what?"

"We woke up and went looking for her."

"What time did you arrive at the Cabello house?"

"Around four in the morning."

"Why didn't you start there?"

"It's complicated."

"How do you know Lauren Jauregui and Seth Hecht?"

"We are all seniors at Bozeman Ridge High School."

"Seniors this fall or seniors last spring?"

"This fall."

"How long have Camila and Hunter been dating?"

"Three years."

"Have you ever been romantically involved with Camila?"


What does that have to do with anything?

"Do you have any reason to believe that Camila would run?"

"Definitely not."

"Why is that?"

"Camila just isn't like this."

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