letter fifteen

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Sorry it's been so long. The past couple months have been college college college.

Seth wants to go to Brown to be with his girlfriend, I don't think he's got the smarts, to be honest. Lauren has been quiet... I think she was really impacted by you leaving. She hasn't come to hike with us on Tuesdays in several weeks. But don't worry about her. I'm sure everything is okay.

I don't think I'm ready to leave high school. College sounds so terrifying, even though everyone says it's the best years of your life. That's just hard to believe because these last couple years with you guys have been the best.

Sofia is doing fine. She talks about you all the time and tells me she misses you. I'm not sure if your family comes to visit you, so if they don't, they're okay.

I have to take Aaliyah to dance class, so I'll see you soon.


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