letter fifty-six

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Today was my last day of sophomore year... time flew by and I'm sorry for how long it took me to write to you again.

To my knowledge your family still hasn't gone to see you. I'm so sorry. They've completely ignored my calls, so I have no new information.

Me and Beth are doing really well. She's going away to California this summer and wants me to go with her... and I think I'm going to say yes. She's doing some music program thing.

SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENED. After Aaliyah became a sophmore at Bozeman Ridge, she came home one day and asked our mom if she should join this hiking club on Tuesdays, and I asked her about it. Some kids from the school carried on the tradition after we left, and now, every Tuesday, an entire freshman class goes up to that same hiking trail. How insane is that?

Well anyways, I hope you're okay.

Still counting down the days.


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