letter two

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It's been a week since I last wrote to you.

Maybe in these letters I will inform you of the exciting things that happen right here in Montana.

First, Seth got a girlfriend. She interferes with our bowling schedule, so I don't approve, and don't worry - I told him you probably wouldn't approve either.

Second, I kind of broke my arm when I fell off my bike. On a mountain. No biggy.

Third - you know Mr. Warhol our science teacher and Cindy Phelps from that restaurant we went to? Yeah, they're getting married.

Fourth, Ray's Pizza on Wacker street closed. Like forever. Not dealing with that too well.

I think the last interesting thing would be that Aaliyah lost a baby tooth this morning. So proud.

I hope you're doing okay. Well, as okay as a person in prison can be.

See you soon.


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