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A week had passed and I finally made the decision on moving in with him.

He covered the whole moving expenses, even when I disagreed. I knew that I was going to have to get used to his bossy self.

It's been two days since I moved in with him and things were off to a great start, so far.

I woke up at 4am to loud banging. I got up from bed and silently opened the door, peeking my head out.

When I noticed that the coast was clear, I fully opened the door, stepping out. I headed to the living room to see Ethan picking up broken glass.

"What happened?" I asked him. He looked up at me.

"Nothing, I just fell and broke the coffee table." He said. "I'll get a new one." I scoffed at him when I noticed his bloody hand.

"Here, let me help you get cleaned up." I grabbed his hand. He got up from the floor and followed me into the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet seat with an amused expression on his face when he noticed my frustration when he realised that I couldn't find the bandages.

"Top left cabinet." He told me, answering my unspoken thoughts. I nodded and got the supplies out, taking his hand in mine.

His hand was about two sizes bigger than mine and it made me think about what he could do to me with those hands. I blushed and started to clean up his hand.

I could feel his gaze on me as I did it. But I acted as if I didn't. I didn't want to say anything because he would stop, and I didn't want him to. I liked the attention.

"I have to get to work." He said when I finished. I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom and into the living room. He grabbed his jacket and brief case, then walked out of the door. I groaned when I realized that I felt aroused just from touching his hand.

I sighed and went to take a shower.

Later that day, I decided to make dinner for us two to repay him back from last night's dinner. He made a casserole that was to die for. It was his grandmother's recipe.

I ended up getting Jerry to come over and help me, since he's such a good cook.

"Hey India." He greeted, pulling me into one of his bear hugs. Even though he was quite small compared to me, he gave the best hugs.

"Hey." I replied, leading him into the kitchen.

"Wow, he's loaded." He said as he took the apartment in. I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I was just as shocked as you were." I said, getting the cook book out.

"What were you thinking of making him?" He asked me.

"Sun Dried Tomato Chicken Florentine Pasta." I said. He smiled sweetly at me.

"That's quick and easy to make." He said. "Why am I here?" I laughed.

"Because I need your expert baking skills." I said.

"What am I baking?" He asked me.

"A chocolate cake. It's his favorite." I told him. Last night, we stayed up getting to know each other more. Jerry nodded and we began cooking.

He left an hour later and wished me luck.

"You better tap that perfect round ass tonight." He tolf me, kissing me on my cheek before leaving. I laughed at his retreating back.

"I wish." I whispered before shutting the door behind him.

Around 8pm I was starting to get irritated. Ethan was supposed to be here over three hours ago.

I was relieved when I heard the front door open. I was going over to greet him when I noticed a woman with him. My breath caught in my throat. I noticed how her arm was wrapped around his. She smiled when she saw me and I did the same.

"Ummm... I made dinner and a chocolate cake. Well, Jerry made the chocolate cake." I said.

"I'm sorry for being late. I got a bit distracted." He said.

"I noticed." I said quite harshly. I gasped when he frowned at me. I was falling for this man that I only knew for a week.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No, I already ate." I said.

"That's fine. Just have some cake with me then?" He asked.

"I'll pass, I'm quite busy right now." I said, heading to my room. I heard him tell me to wait, but I ignored him. I was too hurt right now to talk to him.

When I got to my room, I shut and locked the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and began to cry.

I knew that I shouldn't have caught feelings for him in such little time. I knew that he would never like me.

I heard a knock on my door a few minutes later, but I just ignored it.

"Come on India, I know you're in there." He said, trying to open the door. "Are you crying? Open the door." I just kept quiet. "Are you hurt?"

"Please go away." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said.

I heard his footsteps leave and I began to cry into my pillow.
Thanks for reading.

Jerry: played as Troye Sivan. 😍

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