chapter 6 (updated)

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After our hour was up, Ron and I departed from the closet hand in hand. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Finally, I had a boyfriend!

I collapsed onto Ron’s lap and yawned hugely.” I hope this party is over soon Ronny.” Ron nodded in reply, and I think I fell asleep. 

I woke up in front of the Slytherin common room, with Ron shaking me awake. “Pasta... Pasta wake up! I can’t take you inside the Slytherin common room. You’ll have to take it from here.” He quickly pecked me on the cheek and walked upstairs. I quickly opened the door and walked up to the girls dormitory, and collapsed onto my bed. I fell asleep instantly.

**************************************Pasta’s dream**********************************************

I was holding hands with Draco and running around a beautiful meadow filled with all types of flowers imaginable. I must have been 6 or 7 at the time, when Draco and I had just met and started the path to our friendship.

“Draco! This is like a fantasy! I love it!” Young me giggled and ran to the roses, pulling Draco along.”

Draco blushed as I pulled him towards the beautiful read and pink flowers.” Thanks, I thought you would like it,” he mumbled embarrassed,” Mother found it for us, since I knew how much you loved flowers Pasta.”

I smiled at him and reached the roses. “Wow, these are the prettiest flowers ever,” I gasped in awe once we reached them. The rose were perfect and plump, and they glittered in the sunlight. I remember not seeing anything so beautiful. After all, this was my memory, I should remember what happened...

Then, my dream/memory veered off course to a part I didn’t remember happening.

Draco picked me a rose and handed it to me.” No Pasta, these roses aren’t the prettiest things in the world. You are.”

Little me looked very surprised and kissed little CoCo on the cheek.” Thank you,” she told him,” You are the sweetest boy in the whole world!”

Then, little Draco kissed little me, and the dream ended.


“AHH! No FREAKING WAY!” I screamed, waking up from my dream.

Everyone in the girls dormitory looked at me worried. “Whoa, Pasta, are you okay? You went to sleep kind of late last night,” Pansy told me surprised.

I nodded, embarrassed at my sudden outburst. “Ya, sorry. Just a nightmare,” I told her assuringly. 

Pansy nodded, looking convinced, and left me alone in the dormitory.

I looked at my alarm clock, to see how much time I had to prepare for breakfast.

When I looked at it, I almost started screaming again.

I had slept through all my classes, breakfast, and lunch! Also, I had less than 5 hours left to get ready for the Yule Ball, and I hadn’t gotten a confirmation from George to know if I was going to the ball with him or Ron! This was a nightmare.

I changed as fast as I could into my robes and ran to the affirmary, not caring how my hair or face looked.

“Madam Pomfrey!” I ran into her as I entered the affirmary,” Where is George Weasley?” Then another person crossed my mind,” Is Draco Malfoy in here too?”

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