chapter 7- the yule ball

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I ran as fast as I could to the room of requirement to meet George, and found George and Fred waiting for their dates. They talked to each other and when I walked to them, they completely ignored that I was there.

“HELLO? George! It’s me, Pasta!” I exclaimed, waving my hand in his face.

George finally turned to look at me, and his jaw dropped straight to the floor. “PASTA? What happened to you? You look too beautiful for your own good!”

I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. I usually was never complimented like this, especially from my boyfriends brother. “The only change in me is some make up and I have my contacts in,” I shrugged helplessly. If I was complimented this fast, who knew how many compliments I would get by the end of the night?

“Well, then,”Fred cut in, arm in arm with his date, Angelina,” Let’s get a move on then!”

George placed my hand in his and we all walked down to the Yule Ball, cracking jokes and making fun of the oddest couple.

“Hey, look over there!” I exclaimed, after we had finished with our joking and teasing,” There’s Draco!”

Angelina looked at me, her usually friendly attitude vanishing.”Draco Malfoy? Seriously? You know and are friends with that Doeusch Bag?” She gave me an icy glare.

Giving her an equally icy glare and holding her eyes, I answered her boldly.” Yes, he is. We’ve been best friends since we were seven, so zip it!” I held eye contact until she looked away angrily. What ever.

We ignored each other and arrived at the entrance of the Yule Ball. 

“Hey George, I’m gonna ditch you now. I gotta go find Ron ... so bye!” I sprinted away before George had time to object.

I found Ron sitting at a table with Harry, Padma, and Parvati Patil. I walked over to where I was positioned behind Ron, and put my hands over his eyes. “Guess who t is!” I exclaimed happily.

Everyone except Ron looked at me weirdly, like they’ve never dated anyone and done anything silly to them. Wait, knowing them, they’ve probably never gone out with anyone.

Ron pried my hands away from his eyes, and turned around.”WHOA! My dreams of meeting a super mega foxy hot supermodel has happened!”

This it was my turn to look at him weirdly.” No, you doeusch, it’s me, Pasta! Your girlfriend remember?” I kissed his cheek, as if proving my point that it really was me.

Ron was so surprised.” Pasta? You look so different!”

I smiled. “No duh Einstein! I playfully smacked his shoulder.

Ron looked at me confused.” Who’s Einstein?” he asked.

I mentally slapped myself. Stupid wizards.


Half hour later.....

My head felt light and it didn’t help that Ron was whirling me around and around. I was trying to have fun, but I couldn’t. I still had to ask Draco about that memory ... or was it just a dream? I was so confused.

Ron caught he and gave me a big grin.” Isn’t this amazing Pasta! Even though we couldn’t go as dates, this is the best night ever!” He was about to twirl me again when I dizzily pulled myself out of his arms. I decided that if it was anytime that I was going to talk to Draco, it would be now.

“Can I please take a break? I need to desperately use the bathroom.” I quickly hurried away from him and headed to the bathroom, but changed direction at the last second so Ron wouldn’t seen me go to talk to Draco. Even though we had only know each other for less than 24 hours, I couldn’t let him know I was going to have a “chat” with Draco. I knew how much those two hated each other. I couldn’t let it go the other way too. Draco more than likely didn’t know that I had turned down his invitation to go to the ball with him so I could go with this guy I had hooked up with over 7 minutes in heaven. They wouldn’t understand me and would hate me.

I found Draco entwined with Pansy somewhere close to the back. A group of Slytherins Draco really disliked surrounded him, chatting animatedly and cracking jokes with him and Pansy.

I felt so hurt. One, Draco didn’t have to make it so obvious that he had chosen Pansy as his date and had his hands all over her, and two: what was up with those retarded people hanging around their table? 

I turned to walk away so I could ask Draco about the dream some other time, but I heard a holler behind me. “Pasta! There you are! I’ve been wanting to talk to you!”

I whipped my head around and saw Draco trying to get himself off Pansy and walk towards me. 

I glared at him and tried to get away from him but he caught my shoulder. “Pasta! I saw you were going to approach us, but you walked away! Did you want to talk to me? Because I have something to talk to you about too.” His eyes softened with concern. I missed when I saw his eyes soften like that. I didn’t want to be angry at Draco. I wanted him back as my best friend.

Then, I remembered the reason I was mad at him and turned away. “No,” I said icily and turned away, but Coco grabbed me again.

“Look, Pasta, I’m so sorry about yesterday. It was such a stupid idea. I can’t believe Zambini had talked me into it.” He smiled sheepishly, but I didn’t buy it.

Apparently, before I had time to tell him that, he continued talking.” Also, I am so glad that you got here. I needed a reason to get away from those dweebs and Pansy, even thought she was so happy. She had her hands all over me and wouldn’t let me go unless I wanted to get us some pumpkin juice or something.” He rolled his eyes and smirked. I couldn’t take it anymore. I launched myself into his arms, and some tears slipped out of my eyes.

“Oh Draco!” I sobbed a little,” I’m so sorry I hurt you! I was just so surprised!” Then I blurted out something that I definitely shouldn’t have and couldn’t believe I would ever say: ” I wish it was you who was my boyfriend and not Ron Weasley! I can’t believe we’re serious over a little kiss in a 7 minutes in heaven game! I was so stupid!”

Draco pulled away from me and looked at me in disbelief. “WHAT?” He yelled angrily,” WHAT did you do with that filthy blood traitor?” He sounded so pissed and like he wanted to have nothing to do with me. Which, no surprised, would be true.

He smacked my shoulder hard.” I can’t believe you kissed Weasley! I want nothing to do with you!”

Draco turned away and angrily stomped away to Pansy. He whispered something in her ear and pointed at me. She giggled hideously, and walked away with him. WTF? I bet she was going to start a rumor about me. 

I sank to the floor and put my hands and mentally slapped myself to stop myself from crying in front of everyone.” I can’t believe Draco wants nothing to do with me!”

As if on cue, Ron stepped out of the shadows and glared angrily at me.

“Neither do I,” he growled. 

I looked at him surprised and glared at him angrily. “What are you doing here? I thought you were still on the dance floor. Why did you follow me? Do you not trust me?”

Ron nodded.” I was going to get some punch but I saw you with Malfoy. I saw you hug him. I can’t believe I trusted you when all along you were with that dirty man whore! No one deserves you!” Before I had time to protest, he walked away.

I had lost my boyfriend and best friend in one night. What else could go wrong?

I turned towards the stage as I heard someone clear her throat. Pansy looked gleefully at me and spoke, her voice magically amplified. Everyone automatically looked  at her, to see what was going on.

Her eyes glinted evilly as she looked straight at me and winked. “I have something to say. It’s about Pasta. “

Frosty Love- A Ron Weasley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now