chapter 8- the finale

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I stared back at Pansy, exasperated and angry. Those emotions swirled around my brain, blocking out the rest of my thoughts and quickly regenerating new questions. But the biggest question stood out in my brain: Why? Why did Pansy have to be like this? Why did she have to embarrass me?

But my creating of questions took a temporary break as Pansy started talking again.

“So everyone, Pasta is not the girl you think she is.” She paused, waiting for the drama and the words to sink in to get people interested. I knew she was going to talk about what a disgraceful slytherin and hooker I was.

Pansy continued her ‘speech.’

“So, the thing about Pasta is, she’s the strangest girl I’ve ever met, but she’s also the bravest. She wasn’t afraid to turn down Draco’s invitation to the Yule Ball, and she hooked up with a guy she spent an hour with in the closet. Now that’s risky! Give her a round of applause!”

Wait, what did she just say? 

I tried to process what she had just said, but my brain was already on an overdrive. I could not believe Pansy Parkinson had just said that about me! When had she become so unPansy like?

Pansy left the stage, and everyone started chatting again, and everything was back to normal, except for the few glances my way.

              I saw Draco and Pansy walking towards me, and we met, I looking confused.

“What was that all about?” I asked Pansy, surprised.” Why were you so kind to me? I thought you were going to offend me! Especially you, Coco! I thought you hated me!”

They both laughed and smiled at me. “ That must mean I’m a good actor,” Draco chuckled.

I looked at them weirdly.”Why did you do that thought?” I asked him desperately, wanting some answers.

Draco looked at me and moved his mouth to answer, but the only words that came out were,” Pasta! Wake up! Pasta! Wake up....”

Then, the world spiraled into darkness.


I awoke, wet and cold, on my bed in the girls dormitory.

Pansy had been roughly shaking me.” Thank god you’re up!” She exclaimed, shooting me a did-you-seriously-have-to-do-that glare, but I didn’t understand. I thought she was being sweet to me.

I pulled myself upright.”Huh?”I exclaimed,” What about the Yule Ball. I had to talk to Draco because we’re at the Yule Ball!” I yelled shrilly.

All the girls in the dormitory looked at me weirdly.” The Yule Ball isn’t for another three days,” someone muttered confused.

Pansy glared at me again and complained in her annoying voice,” Pasta! You shouldn’t have fallen asleep! You got your bed dirty! Also, Draco’s downstairs complaining about his boxers and wants to talk to you! So, get a move on!”

I grabbed some clothes and changed. Why were they suddenly acting that way and claiming that the Yule Ball was in three days? I had been at the Yule Ball a few minutes ago!

I ran to the common room and found Draco there, complaining about his burned robes. I took a peek at them and laughed. The boxers peeking through were his Quidditch Boxers. It was as if...


Déjà vu.

I jumped into Draco's arms and kissed his cheek.” Draco! I forgive you! I don’t care that you saw me naked in the bathroom! I’m so sorry about the night before the Yule Ball that I played seven minutes in heaven with Ron Weasley!

Draco hugged me and laughed. “What are you talking about? I never stalked you in the bathroom. The night before the Yule ball hasn’t happened yet. You must be hallucinating.”

Then finally, it clicked. All those events, from the bathroom to the Yule Ball, it had only...

Been a dream.

a/n: i think i'm going to make an epilouge for this story so stay tuned and thank you so much to everyone who has supported frosty love from the beginning!

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