nishinoya yuu

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(noun) the fear of forgetting, being forgotten or ignored, or being replaced

Author's Note: You guys are adults in this chapter.


"You care for him.. right?" (First Name)'s mother asked in a bored tone as she watched her daughter cry infront of her, begging to help him. Her mother's heart wasn't sadden at this sight since she had to teach her daughter a lesson for keeping her boyfriend a secret.

(Mother's Name) felt betrayed when she heard the news about her daughter having a boyfriend. She even felt disgusted to know that he came from a poor family. But now she has the upper hand and can make them beg and weep for forgiveness.

Nishinoya is dying.

The only person who is wealthy enough to buy his medicine is (First Name)'s mother. So her daughter pleaded to help him to make him live longer.

(First Name) looked at her mother with a satisfied look on her and replied. "Yes, I do."

"You want me to help him?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, do you love him?"

"Yes, mother. I do, I do, I do." She answers with a huge smile on her face.

The elder woman gave her a fake smiles and holds her left hand gently. "I shall help him if.. you leave this place and go to (desired place)."

(First Name)'s smile turned into a frown when those words came out of her mouth. "But mom... no, I can't--"

"Do you want him to live?" Her mother glares at her and asks in a stern tone.

"..yes, I do." (First Name) replies as she looks at the floor, avoiding her mother's cold stare.

"Then go, I have already packed your things and you will leave this week." (Mother's Name) grins as she leaves her daughter alone in the bed room to cry once more.

"Why now?" She sobs as she hugs her pillow.


Nishinoya wakes up with a horrible headache, he tried to stand up and find her; only to be pushed back, gently by his best friend, Tanaka.

"You have to rest.."

"What date is it today?" Nishinoya asks as he sits up straight.


"I said, what date is it today, dammit Ryuu.... ANSWER ME!" Nishinoya yells.

"...(Your Birthday)." Tanaka replies in a blunt tone.

"No... no, no, no! Today is her birthday and our goddamn wedding! I can't miss it, Ryuu! Let me go, I need to go right now!" He attempts to get up and run out of the door.

"SHE'S NOT HERE, NISHINOYA!" Tanaka screams in anger and grabs the collar of his shirt.

Those words broke Nishinoya as he slumps. Tanaka apologized as he lets go of him and continues. "She didn't even bother to visit.."

"Then who payed for the hospital bills?" asked Nishinoya.

Tanaka scratches the back of his head. "That I don't know either, I tried asking the doctor but he told me that this person doesn't want to reveal their identity."

"What about (First Name)?"

"Haven't heard a word about her ever since you got admitted."

Nishinoya punches the pillow and grits his teeth in anger. He then cruses loudly and cried

and cried.

and cried.

Tanaka gets something out of his pocket and shows him a slightly crumpled (favorite color) letter."Nishinoya.. you have a letter though but I--" Immediately, Nishinoya grabs the letter. He rips the envelope an begins to read what was written.

Dear Nishinoya Yuu,

By the time you will read this letter, I will go somewhere far away from you and continue my life there from now on.

I'm sorry for leaving you at such short notice especially at my birthday and our wedding. You can hate me all you want but promise me one thing; don't forget me.

Please don't forget our love, our memories, and the lessons you have learnt from me.

I have a question though: will you still love me in the morning?

Nishinoya sadly smiles as he whispers his answer. "Forever and ever, babe."


"Growing up is not a problem; forgetting is." -The Little Prince (Pilot)

_ _ _

So how was the first chapter??? ( 0u0)
Is it good or nah, lol...

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