bokuto koutarou

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(noun) a joke told so poorly and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.


"I have another joke, I promise it's a good one this time." Bokuto grins as he tried to hold his laughter before telling you his joke.

You rolled your eyes and said."Bokuto, you're drunk, go home already."

"We are drinking water, (First Name). Okay, okay... what does the dog say while wiping his butt on a sandpaper?"

"...I don't know, what?" You looked at him with a bored expression on your face but it did not waver his goal to make sure you laugh.

"Rough, rough!" Bokuto yells the answer as he started laughing while you just facepalmed at his terrible joke. You knew that he got these jokes from the internet but you decided to bear with this side of himself rather than dealing with his dejected mode.

"Okay, one more, one more... what do you call a fish that does not want to share?"


"A selfish!"

"...yeah, hahahahaha" you fake laughed, hoping he wouldn't notice because that one was extremely terrible than the last one.

"I have one more joke, trust me this is the last one!" He smiles.

"Bring it." You smile, feeling tired of hearing terrible jokes over and over again. You hoped that this is a good one because out of the 27 jokes he told you so far, you found 0 jokes funny.

"What can you see at a desert?" He smiles.


"C'mon guess." He encourages you.

You stopped and think for a moment before answering. "sand?"





He shakes his head and says. "Try again."

"I give up, tell me." you told him because you were curious of what the answer was.


You felt confused and replied. "Huh? But love is everywhere..."

"Exactly, you can find love at the desert because the camels can love each other." He says his joke.

You laugh at his joke because it was so unfunny and it also didn't made any sense but Bokuto thought that it was so funny so felt proud at himself and gave his friends a thumbs up. Kuroo and Lev also gave him a thumbs up while the entire Fukurodani team just gave him the 'wtf ' look.

"Oh well at least he won't be at his dejected mode for the rest of the day." Akaashi says as the rest of the team agrees with him by nodding their heads.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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