sugawara koushi

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(adj) overly or sickishly sweet


"I don't want to do it!" (First Name) yells as she tries to pull away from them.

"You have to since this is our last prom as a squad and this is your only chance to take a picture with him!" (Best Friend's Name) tries to convince her bestfriend to at least have one picture with him a.k.a. Sugawara Koushi.

"But I-- it's too embarrassing!" replies (First Name) as she tries to run away once more.

Finally they arrived and her best friend tapped his shoulder then points at (First Name). She asked with a smile on her face. "HEY SHE WANTS TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU, IS THAT ALRIGHT?" she yells because the music was pretty darn loud at that time.

Sugawara looked at (First Name) and smiles. "SURE!"

Still (First Name) felt tense since she was sweating at a really bad moment plus the stares from his best friends were killing her. Sugawara made eye-contact with the nervous girl for a couple of seconds and suddenly, (First Name) was pushed beside him by her best friend.


"It's alright." He reassures her with a smile on his face.

After taking the picture, her friends fangirled infront of them. (First Name) face-palmed and apologized. "I am sorry about them and for interrupting your time with your friends."

"It's fine, really." He smiles.

While the party was already calming down, they went outside to get some fresh non-sweaty air smell, lol.

Their paths once again crossed, her best friend suggested. "Hey we took a picture of them once, how about we take a picture of them again?"

Cue their evil grins.

(First Name) saw a door and tried opening to escape since the embarassment was too much already. They once again tapped his shoulder again.

(Best friend's Name) says with a sweet smile on her face. "Hey can you guys take a picture again?"

Sugawara looked at her while she was still trying to escape, making her look like a crazy person. (First Name) thought that he would laugh at her weird actions right now or maybe tease her but he didn't. Sugawara just smiled and answered her best friend's request. "Sure, no problem." He gave her thumbs up and prepared for the picture.

(First Name) also prepared herself for the picture and she was getting even more nervous as each seconds passed by.

Anyways, of course as good friends they are, they took as many pictures as they can because this was a rare interaction  of them.

And that was the end, maybe but who knows, the future is unpredictable.

"Memories with you are sacchrine"

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