Gerard Way - fluff

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It was the first warped tour that My Chemical Romance had ever gone to and Gerard seemed.... different. He wasn't his usual self. He started drinking and taking pills excessively. He damn near overdosed a few nights at a party or two. You were worried for him, he was hurting himself. You knew if this went on that he'd damage his body. Of course being on tour and trying to stop his addiction was almost impossible because of the constant absence of you and him alone.

When you asked him why he would do this to himself he simply said that 'he needed it to become the Gerard they see on stage.' At first, it was just a drink or two but it quickly spiraled out of control. You wanted to help. He needed help. Several times the band, his manager and yourself all tried to intervene him and help, but he wanted to be drunk. It felt good to him. The drugs came into play with his emotions. Gerard was more aggressive as he is on stage. He would come back every night completely wasted and puking, being held up by Mikey or Frank. Every thing seemed to get worse.

Your relationship was going downhill and only you seemed to know it. The drugs. The drugs were the worst part of it all. Since he started taking prescription pills and doing cocaine the screaming intensified. The nights of calming him were longer and there were more frequent anxiety attacks.

One day in specific was terrible. It was a few hours after the show and the boys were just hanging around. They all grabbed beer and decided to hang out. Gerard however, went overboard. He drank until he was sick and wobbling when walking. He ran outside, near the tour busses and puked up everything he had consumed that night. With his black hair covering his face he fell to the ground. You, Frank and Mikey all ran over to make sure that he was okay.

"Gerard, Gerard baby are you okay?" You asked helping him up and hugging him quickly.

"I'm fucking fineeee." He said, wiping his mouth on his hoodie sleeve and stumbling forward.

"Hey, maybe we should just go back to the trailer and rest." You said to him stabilizing his larger body.

"I don't need to fucking rest. Babe don't be stupid just get me another beer." He laughed, walking away.

"What the fuck?" You said in utter disbelief.

"You heard me, bitch." He said, hiccuping.

"Gerard. What the fuck dude that's not funny. She's your girlfriend. Don't be a dick." Frank said pushing him back a little.

"Calm down. It doesn't matter." He slurred grossly.

"Yes it does. Fuck man, one day she's going to leave you because you treat her like this." Frank said to him seriously.

"You know what? I. Dont. Care. She can leave if she wants to. We don't even fuck anymore." He said threw gritted teeth as he grabbed Frank by the tie.

"HOLD THE FUCK UP. Is that all I am to you? Someone to fuck and then leave to go do drugs and drink? I thought you loved me Gerard. I thought you fucking cared about me. Apparently I was wrong." You say, tears welling in your eyes as you run off to the buss.

"You fucked up Gerard. You really fucked up." Frank said walking away angrily.

"I-im sorry." The words came out of his mouth barely audible.

You slammed the door and grabbed your suitcase. You begin stuffing everything you have into the bag. Falling to your knees and sobbing you hear a knock at the door.

"Y/n? I am so fucking sorry. I didn't mean it. I do love you. I'm not in my right mind, I'm not sober." You hear from the other side of the door.

"NO FUCKING SHIT." You scream, voice breaking through the sobs.

"Please let me in. Babe I can't breathe and I can't lose you." Gerard's voice began to waiver and break as he spoke.

"It didn't seem like you cared a few minutes ago." You say walking towards the door.

"I do. I do care. I can't fucking lose you. You're the best thing that's ever-" You opened the door and interrupted his sentence.

"Gerard, I've been trying my best lately but it doesn't seem like you love me anymore." You stated feeling feeling a tear fall down your cheek.

Loud sobs emitted from his mouth as he collapsed in the doorway. You helped him over to a seat and tried to calm him.

"Y/n, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than I loved anyone else I'm my entire life. You're always there for me and I love everything about you." He says quieting his sobs and sniffling, "I love your laugh, your smile, the way I see you dance backstage and in the front row at concerts. I'm so sorry I've been so bad lately. I don't know how to stop."

You lay your head on his chest and he strokes your hair.

"I love you so much Gerard. I always have. I want you to stop this. You're hurting yourself." You say to him.
"I'm so sorry I called you a bitch, and said you were only good for sex. I love you for so much more than that." He rolled up his sleeves and pushed the hair put of his face, "I don't know what I do if I lost you. I want to have you forever. I fucking love you." He said, missing the top of your head.

"I don't know if this can be fixed." You say sitting up.

"Baby please." He says, almost wispering.

"If this goes on I don't think I can stay." You state getting up.

"I will change. Please don't leave me. Please. Oh my fucking god please." He begged, walking over to you.

"Gerard, I love you. But this needs to change. Now." You said sternly, taking him in your arms.

"I promise." He whispered quietly.

"Go take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll tell the boys. I love you." You told him.

"Okay, I love you, babe." He stripped down and jumped into the shower.


"Hey guys I'm sorry but Gerard and I are staying in tonight." You informed the band members.

"Good. He needs some rest. I'm a happy you made up." Frank said.


"Baby I'm-" You see Gerard almost asleep when you walk into the bunks.

"Y/n. Come here."


"Wanna cuddle?" He asked, eyes as wide as a puppies.

"Of course, Gee." You say taking off your shoes and pants.

You climbed into bed with him and he held you close. You backed up into him until your bodies were flush against each other's and his hand rested at your chest.

"I'm sorry." He spoke quietly and slowly.

"I know, Gee. I love you." You responded.

"I love you too." And with those words he held you tighter and you both fell away into a comfortable slumber.

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