Shadow Angel

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My name is Maddie and this is a story about my brother. I don't really know if he is my brother since God never told us. But I know he is my brother because he told me. He told me his name was Lucas. I believe God sent him down to watch me. But here is the story of how I met my brother Lucas.

I laid in my bed, waiting for sleep to over come me but it never came. Me and my sister had just gotten back home. And my parents had put a basket of tools right by my door. I had closed my eyes for a bit and slept for maybe an hour or two. But when I opened them I saw a figure. A boy a few years older than me standing at my door. Next to the boy was a cat. I didn't really know what the looked like or who they were at the time only just a imagination or trick of the eye. 

The next night I saw the same thing. But when  I went up to the boy and cat they disappeared, until I went back to bed.  This went on for five days maybe, when the basket was finally put away or moved to the garage. The boy and cat had left and never to return for how long it may have to go. I was told by my mother that I was really there third try. After they had my sister they tried three more times but failed two of them. But on the third try they had me.

I believe God had sent the boy to watch over me, and brought the cat to make me feel safe. Two days after the boy had left I found a picture on the Internet and when I saw it the name Lucas was whispered into my ear. In that exact moment the picture had a 17 year old boy, with blonde shaggy hair and a blonde cat. Both the cat and the boy looked so familiar, they had reminded me of the boy and the cat. I thought it was funny how me and the boy looked so much alike and the cat reminded me of a cat I loved that had pasted away a few months ago.

I now think I see Lucas watching me from the bathroom that is across the hall from my room. But I don't mind because I know he is only there to keep an eye on me. Days have been harder to keep on going. I know he also just wants to make me smile as well. One day in math class, my teacher was going over homework and went to erase something, but every time he erased something a curved line would replace it or it would be drawn on there by something or someone. I know it could have just been a malfunction in the programming but I really do think it was my brother Lucas. And he will always be known as my  Shadow Angel.

The End

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