Helping Bella let go of Bradley and get Edward and Bella get back together edit

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I saw Edward up beside me on the bike. When I looked he was still in regular clothes. Is he crazy.

He kept up with me like Bradley would have except Edward was partly blind in one eye and he had his other problems.

Edward went faster. I gasped when he slid in front of me. "See what's in front of you punch!" I shake my head trying not to hear my brother and to block him out.

Then I seen Edward take the jump I messed up. I started breathing fast but he landed right and kept going. I took the jump and slid and fell off the bike.

"DAMN IT!" I noticed my sleeve was ripped and there was blood. But I was to upset and mad to give a care.

I picked up my bike and started it and took off again. I knew Edward had a good amount of distance ahead of me now. The thing I couldn't get is how in the hell did he learn to drive like that when he told me he's never done motocross.

When I finally pulled into the campsite both him and Rose were standing there but he still had his helmet on. I threw my bike and walked up to Rose first.


She opened up her laptop and clicked on a video. It was when Bradley was killed I looked up at Rose and back down to the video.

I jumped when it blew up then it went to the car race. When I watched I found out everything I remember never happen and I died at that crash and no one told me. I shook my head.

"That's not how I remember it and no one told me!" I started backing away. I died twice. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I went to go get back on bike but I was grabbed around my waist and put on Bradley's bike. I froze stiff because I haven't rode or driven Bradley's bike since then. Sure I rode with Edward on Bradley's back up bike but not this one.


I felt Bella freeze up when I put her on Bradley's bike. I knew that the other bike was his back up. But all 3 of them agreed that I have this one but Bella hasn't been on since before Bradley was killed.

"You ready Rose?" She grabbed her helmet and jumped on Bella's dirt bike. She gave me a thumbs up.

I climbed behind Bella and started the bike. We took off.

We went back on the trail but stopped at the board. I showed Rose where we needed to go.

Bella was still frozen and didn't move a inch. Rose and I both knew we had to do this.

Rose got beside me and looked at Bella and then up at me. I shook my head. She pointed to her arm then back at Bella.

I looked down at her arm and her sleeve was ripped with blood on it.

The only thing I could think of is she missed that jump again. I looked back to where I was going and seen Rose stop.


We stopped but I was still to frozen to move. I haven't been on Bradley bike since before he died.

"Rose are you sure you're ready to do this because this affects you to?" Edward asked.

"Yes Edward! We have to or she's never going to let go." Wait let go. Let go of what?

The bike took off again and this time we sped up. I gulped and I closed my eyes.


We rode the track the same way as that day. Even though this trail is different.

I followed Rose's lead. I watched as she turned and I stopped after I turned the bike so it was facing the tree where I put Bella's other bike she smashed.

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