Bella wins the race for Edward editing

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As I was driving I was listening to the all the voices over the mic.

"Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on with Edward?" I asked.

That's when I looked in my mirror and seen Taylor.

"Ummm, guys hate to break it to you but Taylor right beside me and I have this bad fee.." That's when he clipped me.

I gripped the steering wheel and started having flashes of that day of the accident.

Then I felt it again. "BELLS FOCUS ON MY VOICE BABY GIRL!" I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Where's Edward I need him?" I asked my dad.

"Well honey there a little problem with that. He can't help you at the moment." My dad told me.

"WHAT! No, I can't do this without him dad. Get him back now please!" I panic.

"Bells that's not going to happen he unconcussion." My dad told me.

"What? What happen?" I asked shaking.

Just then Taylor was beside me and then slammed his car into me.

"AARRRGGGHH!" I was able to stop my car from going into the the wall.

"Bells it had something to do with Taylor. Edward looked pretty badly beaten up when he got here." Dad told me.

That's when everything fit into place. Edward unconcussion beat up. I turned and looked at Taylor.

He looked at me with evil in his eyes. Something snapped inside of me and I glared at him. "I'm not going to let you beat me you fucker." I faced forward.

"This is for you Edward!" At that moment nothing else matter but me and my car.

I pressed the clutch down and down shifted. "Bells don't do it!" I heard my dad say.

I ignored him. When I got around the curve Tyler got up beside me again and I looked at him and just waved at him.

"See how you like pay back asshole." I put my foot on the clutch and waited. I sped up just a little and that's when he thought he take his chance and slam into me again.

But I was quicker I pressed the clutch in and shifted into a higher gear but I skipped a gear and went one higher.

He missed me hitting the wall and I kept going. "Bells he didn't take no damage but he hot on your ass." My dad told me.

"Ok!" Was all I said. I started to speed around all around the other cars.

Then I heard Danger zone by Kenny Loggins come through my mic. I could not help but smile. But Taylor was still hot on my ass. But I was to connected with my car to give a rats ass about him right. I just focus like I was suppose to do.

The checker flag came down in front of my car. I was too busy trying to keep Taylor off my ass that I didn't realize I won the race.

I squealed into my mic. Once I got around the track and slowed and grabbed the checkered flag I pulled away and did a few doughnuts then pulled into the winner's circle.

I was standing on top of my car with my trophy when it hit me.

Edward! He wasn't here with me. I turned and looked down at my dad.

"Dad take me to him please!" He nodded and helped me down and through the crowd.

He took me to our motorhome and I walked in and Esme was sitting on the couch with tears in her.

"NO!" I yelled out. I ran back towards the bedroom and Carlisle walked out and shut the door behind him and stopped me.

"Let me see him please!" I told him. "Bella wait let me explain to you something first." He told me.

He brought me back over to the couch and sat me down. Charlie sat on the other side of me.

"Now Edward took a lot of hits to the head from Taylor. But he waited to long to get his shots. The good news is he will wake up we just don't know when. The bad news I don't know if he'll remember anything." I was confused.

"I don't understand!" I said.

"Bella the last time this happen this bad it took him 6 months to remember us and everything." Carlisle told me. I started shaking my head.

"No, this can't be happening to me. Not again." I slowly got up and walked out the door.

I ignored everyone that was yelling at me. I had one thing on my mind and that was to hunt down Taylor.

I found him with Tanya of all people. I walked up and yanked her out of the way and slapped Taylor across the face.

"YOU ASSHOLE HOW COULD YOU?" He gave me an evil smile.

"Edward must of told you?" I looked at him confused. "Told me what?" I asked him confused.

Now he looked at me confused. "If he didn't talk to you why you slap me?" He asked me.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I lost it. I started hitting him. Then I seen Tanya throw her hand around my throat and pull me off of Taylor.

Oh no she did not. I got up and we got into a knockdown fight.

All of a sudden I was being pulled away from Tanya.

It was my dad. "What are you thinking Bells?" I just glared at my dad. "You need stitches that's for sure look at your face." I was grabbed from behind.

"TAYLOR PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN NOW!" I started hitting and kicking him.

He finally set me down. But he didn't let me go. I finally bent down and bit his arm as hard as I could.

"OWWW!" He released me and I ran over to my dad. "Rose take Bells back to the motorhome now." My dad ordered.

"Dad you come with us too." I begged.

"Don't worry I will be right behind you." I just nodded.

Rose wrapped her arm around me and we headed back to the motorhome.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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