No Humans!

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Haruka just sighed. Someone was swimming towards them. A head of purply blue hair popped up along with a less that happy expression. "What do you think you're doing? And why are you with a human!?" the persona snarled. Haruka scoffed, "Rei, I can do what I want. And this 'human' has a name and that is Gou" Rei glared at Haruka and growled. "Fine but you have to go, now!". Haruka pushed him self off the rock and back into the water. "Good bye Gou" he called as he swam off with Rei.

Neither of them spoke for a short while. "You know if you didn't moan I wouldn't of found you" Pei pointed out. Haruka didn't reply. Rei sighed, " And may I ask why you were moaning in the first place?" Haru cleared his throat, "Gou was rubbing my tail..." After he finished everything went silent. It seems that they both felt awkward. Their reaf came into view and as they came closer a squeal was heard. "Rei you're back!". Nagisa swam to Rei, hugged him and kissed his cheek. Makoto swam over to the group so he could speak to Haruka. "Hey Haru...Uh, where were you?" Haruka just peered at him, "At the shore line, talking to Gou" Makoto gave him his usaul smile, "Who's Gou?" Slowly grow tired of the questions he sighed, "She's a human" At the second he uttered the word human Makoto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly. "A-a human!? Haru human are dangerous, they'll hurt you and call you a monster or a freak!" 

Nagisa heard Makoto raise his voice and went over to see what was going on. "What's going on?" he asked sounding a little concerned. "H-haru was with a human!" Makoto said pointing at Haruka. He droosed his arms, "Tch". Nagisa's expression turned into a worried one, "Doesn't he know that humans are mean and cruel!?" Haruka gritted his teeth before swimming away. "Haru!" Makoto called after him. Rei grabbed Makoto's wrist before he could go after him. He shook his head, Makoto stayed back understanding that he needed to let Haruka have some alone time.

-Haruka P.O.V-

As I swam away for them I asked myself the same question over and over again, are humans that bad? I shook my head, no they're not bad just... misuderstood! And I'll prove it, I'll show them that I'm right!

-End of P.O.V-

A/N: Sorry I was late with the update, I'm not feeling well T~T

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