Chapter 8- POV: D

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The next day was a normal day, so nothing new. However, I kept thinking about that Cubs game. Once in a while, I would bring it up to her. When I did, I'd blush. Here's what happened:

It was a summer day in June or July. I was at a Cubs game with my dad. We were in the gift shop. I wasn't paying attention to any of my surroundings. I just wanted to go back into the stadium and watch the game. All of the sudden, I hear a woman's voice calling out, "D-------". I looked around, and standing about five feet away from me were G and S- two girls in my class. The nervously said hi. G was blushing. I was too. That was when I somewhat figured out that she liked me. Now, I know.

Friday night was different than usual. Around 11PM I got a text from S, "Hey is this D?" I didn't know who it was. In my head, I thought either G, S, or Lary. I responded saying, "Yea". What else was I supposed to say? About five minutes later, I got a text from another number, which ended up being either Lary or G. It said, "Hey, is this D? J gave me this number and S wanted me to text you..." I was shocked that I had gotten two texts in ONE NIGHT. To be more specific in five MINUTES. I responded saying, "Yea" again. Another five minutes later I got another text from that number. It said, "Okay, good...I got the right number." Whoever this person was, they had excellent grammar. Once again, I said "Yea". Again, another text. "Do you even know who this is?" To be honest, I had an idea. "G. Or O or Lary." They said, "Yep, I'm one of them." Then, I got another text from them. This confirmed that S was the first person who texted me. "S has requested that I ask you to text her back..." I didn't. Mostly because I didn't know if she was asking me to text S back or if she was just stating a fact. She seriously has good grammar. Grammar Queen. **wink wink**. 

G or Lary ended up starting a group chat with S, J, them, and I . S and G/Lary texted back and forth for a minute or two, and then stopped. All was good.

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