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Thanks to Robs skills, we got past security. The first thing I noticed as we stepped inside was how white and plain everything was. White walls, white tiled floors, and white furniture. The only things that were not white were the ceiling and doors, which were a cold metal.

He pulled me aside and we entered into the vents. It was a never ending metal tunnel.

"Look." Whispered Rob as he motioned with his head to an opening which revealed a hallway.

As I scooted closer, I could see why he made me stop to look. It was Iris. She was lying down on a bed. Her skin was the palest I've ever seen. The scariest thought popped into my head at the moment. She's dead.

I must have been staring for a while now because I barely noticed that Rob was pulling the metal piece up so we could jump down.

"Ready?" To jump down there and save my sister's ass? Hell yeah!
Of course, I didn't say this, I simply nodded my head.

I jumped down first, landing with a soft thump. Rob came down next. His muscles contracting, making him appear 10 times hotter. The coast was clear, so we made our way towards Iris.

Kind of a cliff hanger. Just trying to do my best to grab your attention (I feel like my story is boring and ain't gettin anywhere).

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