Chapter 1: Dinner

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I love having dinner with Elsa and Chris. The twins are away at camp and India is having a sleepover at a friend's, so it's a rare night where we can all let our hair down and have some adult fun. Well, all but Tom.

As usual, Tom is being his dorky self - laughing his "eheheh" at a joke Chris just told. In all honesty, Tom is a nice enough guy. He's easy going, he never has an unkind thing to say about anyone, and he's extremely intelligent. He's just, I don't know...a spaz...a much so that I really don't see what all the fangirling and Loki's Army is about. As I think this, I have to remind myself that a few short years ago I had a different idea about Tom Hiddleston.

I had known Elsa for some time. We met right after she moved to the States. She was just getting started in American shows and films, and I was a costume designer on one of her early movies. We hit it off right away, and later I became friends with Chris after he and Elsa started dating then later married. Then, Chris met Tom and he joined our group.

At first, I was excited about meeting Tom. I mean, come on - he's Tom Hiddleston! I had followed his career for a while, first seeing him in Wallander. I loved all his films, and I felt, and still do, that he would be magnificent in any role he chooses.

The day came when Tom was coming to Chris and Elsa's for dinner, and Elsa invited me. I was so giddy that Elsa had to talk me down. "Calm down, Sarah. Tom's just a man. He puts his pants on one leg at a time!"

"I know! I know! But, come on. He's...he's Henry V for pete's sake!"

Elsa just laughed at me.

"What's so funny?"

"'ll see," is all she said.

When Tom arrived, he was so tall. And handsome. And British. I had to monitor my breathing so I didn't hyperventilate. Chris introduced us, and I could tell Tom was a bit standoffish. I couldn't blame him really. After all, I must have looked like a love-struck teenager seeing her idol for the first time. I decided to join Elsa in the kitchen while the men made us drinks before I did something foolish like declare my undying love for him.

"Ohmygod,Elsa,he'ssohandsomeandkindand,ohmygod,Ican'tbelieveIjustmetTomHiddleston!" Again, Elsa just laughed. I didn't get it. Why was she laughing?

When Chris and Tom joined us, it was clear they'd finished their first drink and were starting on their second. And that's when it happened. Tom told a joke. was bad.

When I say bad, I mean terrible. Like, you know Tom with Wendy, his mustache? Worst. Than. That. And what was even worse was that Tom thought it was the funniest joke in the world. He started laughing, releasing his infamous "eheheh" and sticking his tongue between his teeth, and Chris laughed with him.

I looked from Chris to Tom then finally at Elsa, and she just gave me a knowing smile. And that was it. The spell was broken. Tom was just a normal man to me from that moment forward. A normal, sometimes annoying, but still handsome man, I'll give him that.

"Sarah, will you take the salad to the table?" Elsa asks. "Sure." I pick up the bowl and walk to the patio.

Chris and Elsa's backyard is amazing! It's like a little oasis. They had spent a lot of time designing it, complete with tropical plants, a pool, even an outdoor theater area. Elsa had told me that they wanted their children to have a private space for family gatherings and parties, as well as someplace the kids could bring their friends. I think Chris and even Elsa hope their home becomes the place where their kids and friends come to - you know, that house in the neighborhood where all the kids hang out. I know if I were a kid, this is where you'd find me.

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