Chapter 8: Up and Coming

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers. Though this may get seem like the last chapter for Tom and Sarah, it's not. There will be one more.

As always, thank you for the reads, votes and especially comments. I love you all!



The last three weeks have been extremely busy. It seems that word has gotten out about my designs, and I've been asked to join a fashion show of up-and-coming designers in the LA area. To say I'm over the moon about this is an understatement. Unfortunately, Tom hasn't been around much to share my thrill with. His film has been in heavy production, and I rarely see him these days. Still, he leaves little notes for me, texts or calls most days, and he even left a bouquet of flowers once.

The note this morning reads:

"Though she be but little, but she is fierce."

Stay strong, My Little One. I know you have greatness in you!

XO -T-

This reminds me of what today is. It's the day of the show, and Tom promises to be on hand for the big event. I'm so nervous I almost can't stand it. But knowing the people I love, including Tom, will be there somehow makes it easier.

"This is going to be fabulous," Elsa says, helping me pack my things in the car.

"I hope so," is all I can say, trying to fight the urge to puke.

"Do you really think Tom will be there?" I ask for the third or fourth time. Elsa sighs then chuckles. "Yes! Once again, Chris said he would."

I run back in the house to grab one more thing, then hop in the car to drive Elsa and I to the show's venue.

"Why so worried about Tom and whether he'll show?" Elsa asks. I shrug in response. She stares at me, but doesn't say anything for a moment.

"You like him," she says out of the blue.

"Of course I do. He's my friend," I say.

"No. I mean, you really like him."

I look at her as we stop at a light. "No," I say.


"Well, of course I really like him," I say, rolling my eyes at her. But, I him," I say, then focus back on the road.

Elsa is silent again, seeming to let the gravity of my words sink in.

"Have you told him?" I shake my head at her question.

"Why not?"

"Because...he doesn't feel the same about me. I mean, he can't...right?"

Another light, and I turn to look at Elsa. She's staring at me again, and she seems to be considering her words. "Stranger things have happened, Sarah," she finally says.

"You have no idea," I say under my breath as we pull into the parking lot.

Tom's POV

I sit in the audience, fidgeting like a hamster on speed. "If you don't stop, Mate, I'm going to tie your hands together," Chris says next to me. I place my hands in my lap, trying to act cool but, internally, I feel anything but.

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