Chapter 3: The Bare Necessities

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Two weeks into our roommate situation I'm called away on business. It seems a film being made in Seattle is needing an assistant costume designer. It's near the end of production, so I'm mostly on set to dress the cast and help with any last-minute repairs and alterations, but it's hectic just the same. Though I'm thankful for the work, my career has been turning recently from costuming to custom-designed dresses and outfits for happenings like red carpet events. Elsa has worn one of my creations for the last four events she's attended, and Scarlett Johansson has requested to meet with me about an upcoming event.

Luckily, we finish filming early so I can return home to my design work. I arrive home late at night, walk quietly to my bedroom, and crash on my bed in the clothes I'm wearing. The final filming has been grueling - no wonder the other assistant left early!

When I wake in the morning, I Like music from The Jungle Book. Specifically, 'The Bare Necessities".

I stumble from my bedroom in the hopes that Tom will have prepared my cup of coffee. After the week I've had, I'm in desperate need of caffeine. What I find when I walk into the kitchen stops me in my tracks.

First, Tom is not eating healthy. In fact, he's eating a bowl of the sugary cereal I keep for a late night treat. Second, Tom is eating a bowl of sugary cereal, standing in my kitchen...NAKED...while singing "The Bare Necessities" at the top of his lungs.

When I first walk into the kitchen, Tom's back is to me so I get a great view of his ass. After a moment, he turns toward me and I see...well, his 'bare necessities', if you will.

"Bloody hell, Sarah! What are you doing here?" he says, turning away from me. I'm frozen in place, and at first I don't really know what to say or do.

"I'm...I'm looking" I finally say.

Tom turns back toward me, and he's using the cereal box to cover his private parts. "You could have called or texted to let me know you'd be home early!" he says, trying to look composed with the box covering the important parts of his anatomy.

"I'm...sorry?" I say, still stunned by what I've witnessed.

"Right. As you should be!" Tom says, reaching to turn down the music. I can't help but wish he was a little less modest.

It's then that I realize the ludicrousness of the situation. As I struggle to keep from bursting out laughing, Tom seems to sense my dilemma. He stands as straight as he can, grabs a kitchen towel to replace the cereal box, and walks to his bedroom. I struggle equally to not stare at his fine ass or laugh at his predicament as he walks past me while trying to maintain his dignity.

I make a cup of coffee and wait for Tom's return. In a few minutes go by and Tom re-enters the kitchen wearing his usual morning outfit.

"How was your trip?" he asks, not making eye contact as he starts to clear away his breakfast dishes.

"Fine. Long. Exhausting," I reply, still a bit giddy at our first encounter this morning.

Tom looks at me finally, and I can't hold it in any longer. I laugh, loudly. Tom blushes and looks down, but I can see a smile on his lips.

"So, good morning," he says finally, looking at me with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

"Yes. Good morning, indeed," I respond trying not to laugh again. Then I think of our situation.

"Tom, I am sorry for not letting you know I was home. I guess I just hadn't considered the... consequences. You are a guest in my home, but it is really like a roommate situation. I'll keep you informed in the future."

Tom looks at me and smiles. "Thank you."

I stand to walk to my bedroom, carrying my coffee.

"Would you like some breakfast?" he asks.

"No. I'm good. Just going to get started on my day."

I stop walking and turn back to him.

"Oh, and Tom?"


"My laughter was not any commentary on how you look...I mean, on your...assets, if you will. Seeing the raw...well, it made my day..." I say.

I don't know why I said it. I really don't but it's the truth. Tom is beautiful...even more so than I ever imagined. I feel foolish for saying anything, though.

Tom stares at me, seeming to gage what I just said. Then a mischievous grin forms on his face.

"Well, if you liked that, I'm sure you'd enjoy the full show. After all, there's dancing, too, and a few readings of Shakespeare," he says, waggling his eyebrows.

I blush every color of red at imagining Tom dancing naked. All I can think of is his snake hips. By the look on his face, he knows I'm thinking it as well.

I try to gather my composure for a witty rebuttal. "Well...another time then," is all I come up with.

Tom smiles brilliantly and says, "I look forward to it," then he walks past me to get ready to leave for the set.

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