Chapter 20 - Haters

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-Has Wattpad been glitchy for anyone else recently?

Also this is kinda sad and bad language ~Caitlyn<3

~Caitlyn's POV

Mum: Hey hun just to let you know me and your father will be in London this week and will be visiting tomorrow xx

"Fuck!" Everyone turned to look at me, I was sat in the living room with Harry, Josh, Freya, Cal and Emily.
"Fuck" Josh stared at me,
"You got the message too?" I sighed,
"Yep, guys looks like you'll be meeting our parents"


"Yay i haven't seen them for ages" Emily squealed.
Cal ignored his excited girlfriend. Yep girlfriend!!
"So when are they coming?" Cal asked,
"Tomorrow" Me and Josh said at the same time. We're screwed.

I nudged Harry,
"Nervous?" I whisperd,
"Kinda" he forced a smile.
"You'll be fine our parents are really nice but..." I was trying not to worry him
"But what?"
"A tad over protective"
"Im screwed aren't I"
"Maybe" He kissed my nose,
"As long as your with me I'll be fine" I nuzzled into his chest.
"Just don't over think it" With that i looked around the room to notice everyone had been watching. Akward much.

~Next day

"Does Mum and Dad like Freya?" I asked Josh as we were making breakfast.
"Yeah they were abit unsure at first cos they thought we were too young" I forgot they met at 15 seems so long ago, i was 13.
"You guys have a doorbell?" I raised an eyebrow,
"I didn't even know we did, haha"
Everyone had someone Sidemen merch on, even Freya had her Sidemen phone case.
I opened the door to be greeted by a small girl,
"Hello, have you seen this kitty?" She only looked around 8,
"Im sorry we haven't" I replied,
"Oh... Okay" she was walking when Josh called her back,
"Wait! can we take a picture of the flyer?"
She handed us the flyer and we posted pictures to Twitter and Instagram.
"Are you Caitlyn Zerker?" She looked up at me,
"Yes" I replied innocently,
"Are you dating Wroetoshaw?" She looked really excited,
"Why yes am i" I gave her a smile,
"You two are so cute together! Dont listen to any hate!" I got hate? I never even looked.
"Err T-thanks"
She skipped off to the next house.

Mum: Sorry dear we'll have to visit in a day as the trains got delayed. Sorry cant wait to meet your boyfriend xx

"How does Mum know i have a boyfriend?" I looked at Josh,
"Cos she has social media" he said sarcastically
"Oh yeah i forgot" I felt stupid,
"Are you okay?"
"Wh- Yeah im fine.. Im gunna go shower" Josh just looked at me weird and nodded.

As soon as i got upstairs i ran into a room and loaded up Youtube, I looked at a video i did with Harry. The comments hurt,

Where'd you find her the gutter?

Eww whats that?!

Tf you can do so much better!

Wheres Maddie she might've been a slut but shes so much prettier!

Guys lay off her its not her fault shes awful.

Personally she looks like a skang and should just die. No one will miss her

With that last comment i burst out crying, I thought i could handle it but obviously I couldn't. Thats when i realized I wasn't in my room, it was-
"Caitlyns whats up?!" Simon yelled running over to comfort me. He looked at his screen and noticed the comments.

~Meanwhile... Harry's POV

"Josh wheres Caitlyn?" I shouted to the kitchen,
"Shower" he replied,
"No shes not... Simon?" I yelled upstairs,
"Yeh bud?"
"You seen Caitlyn?"
"Shes with me" What did that mean!?
"Shit! Not in that way. Come here" Simon panicked

~Caitlyn's POV

"Shit! Not in that way. Come here"
Simon turned back to me,
"Don't believe anything they say your beautiful and everyone loves you!"
Thats when Harry came in,
"Babe!?" Simon moved to the bed so Harry could comfort me.
"Whats wrong?!" He said while hugging me, I pointed to the screen.
"I-i thought i c-could handle it... I w-as wrong" i felt more tears fall as i finished my sentence.
"Babe, your gorgeous! Don't listen to haters. There just jealous they don't have this" Harry pointed to himself, i laughed abit still feeling worthless and he could tell.

He went over and whispered something to Simon. Then he scurried off somewhere,
"Wheres Si going?" I asked, wiping my tears.
"You'll see" Harry smirked. I hated not knowing things.
Simon returned a few moments later with Harrys camera.
"Your not going to record me are you?"
"No" he meant yes.
"Just stand up and follow me"
I huffed but got up and followed him. Simon following behind with the camera. But not filming me! 😉
We got to the living room and stopped.
It was like a weird proposal.
Harry just hugged me it was just what i needed.
Harry stared into my eyes then spun me round,
"Harry its too early for this" I said laughing.
"Its never to early!" He smirked,
"Im gunna be sick!" I was still laughing,
"Nah mate im in the splash zone" Simon backed away abit.
"How does your arms not hurt?!" "Im super man" he laughed
"Ya really not" me and si laughed.
Harry put me down but my legs didn't respond, so i just collapsed.
"Oh fuck sorry babe" Harry said sounding kinda worried,
"Im fine just gunna stay here for awhile" Simon was still filming us. Thats when Harry decided to lick and kiss my face. I love him i guess.
With these i realized it doesn't matter what others think of you/your relationship as long as you/and your partner are happy!

-This was a long chapter to make up for low amount of uploads ~Caitlyn<3

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