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•Thanks RoaM22 😍

1. Which school year are you in?
I'm in year 8.

2. What's your favourite subject?
Its probably Drama because I love acting but I also like French because our teacher like doesn't tell us off for anything.

3. Do you have to wear school uniform?
Yes, unfortunately

4. What's the name of the people sitting next to you?
We have different classes for different subjects but in Tutor time and registration I sit next to my friend Rebekah. -Tutor time is basically a separate lesson you spend with your tutor.

5. Do some of your classmates do who the Sidemen are?
A quitwle few do. And some others know members of the Sidemen just not who they actually are.

6. When does your school start?
Well school starts at 8:30 but I have to wake up at 6:30 and be at school for 8:20. A day for us is around 7 hours and a half long except Fridays we finish early Fridays.

7. Do you use your phone in class?
In some lessons we're allowed to listen to music and I'll sometimes do other stuff. But in lesson where we're not allowed on our phones I sometimes do.

•I nominate

I know updates are slow, sorry

Oke.... Bai


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