Chapter 46 - Netflix and Chill & Blindfolds

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--This fucking title! technically its not misleading ;) ~Caitlyn<3

~Caitlyn's POV
-Day 4 of being in Guernsey
(Only staying for a week)

The past couple of days has been Harry filming videos with various family members, so today we're just sitting down and watching movies... with Josh and Rosie.

"Nemo!" Josh shouted excitedly,
"Josh seriously?" Rosie laughed, I honestly don't know how she survived with Josh and Harry.
"Fine then, you pick a movie" Josh stuck his tongue out obviously a little pissed off.
"What abou-"
"Frozen!" Me and Harry screamed at the same time, it was one of our favourite movies.
"I'm living with children" Rosie sighed, my impression of her is that she acts more grown up than she is like she is very mature but maybe she tries too hard.

"I mean its crazy"
"We finish each others-"
"That's what I was gonna say"
"I've never met someone who thinks so much like me"
"Jinx again!"
We... We need to get out more.

"You can't marry a man you just frickin met!"
"Hes a fuckboy!" We disliked Hans, could you tell? But seriously I knew the movie off by heart. I need actual help.

By the end of the movie we were all singing and shouting things like;
"She told you so!"
"Fucking kiss!"
"Shits gettin real"
"Shes trying to protect you, duh"
But overall it was really fun and funny to watch especially with kids around. Normally its me, Haz and Ministar/EmFreezy.
{Get it Netflix and chill! I so smart}

"Games now?!" Josh bounced excitedly, making Rosie jump.
"Sorry Rose" he smiled sweetly giving her a hug.
"What game do y-"
"Twister!" I did wonder where Harry went, it went to get twister. Could've waited til I was finished.

"Why don't we make this interesting?" Rosie smirked pulling a carton of eggs from behind her.
"You fall you get egged or if it get boring" First up Josh, Rosie and me.

This is such an awakrd position. I have Rosie's chest in my face and Josh is basically sat on me.
"Smile" Harry chirped before taking a picture while we all weren't ready.

Me, Josh and Haz now, yey.

"Harrrrrry get you butt outta my face!" I moaned while trying not to fall, I've already been egged once.
"Left leg blue Caitlyn" Fuck.
"Harry I swear" Hes tried pushing me over a few times and now I'm so close to slipping.
"Oops" I now hate him.
"You prick! Rosie an egg please"

...I feel sorry for Sue and Rob, we kinda messed their living room up.
"Mum and Dad are back I'm 30 minutes!"
"Rosie you clean the TV and table. Josh go get something to get the smell of egg out of here. Harry clean up any egg. And I'll hoover. Oke?" 30 minutes. Let's do this.

"Ooh shit! Their back!" Fuck balls!
"Everything away quick!" We managed to get everything away except me with the hoover, so I made up an excuse.
"Oh we were supposed to be playing hide n seek but guess I took too long" Thankfully they bought that. That was so close though.

-Day 6 ~-~ Time skipping
-I so bad

The past two days have been nice just relaxing, watching movies and getting to know everyone a bit more. And obviously more embarrassing stories of squidget Harry.

But slight problem I think I'm blind... Bit over the top? But I've woke up and I see black. JJ? Tobi? I'll stop.

"Ermm. Why?" Its a blindfold I realized soon after speaking. But as I was about to take it off Harry pounced on me.
"No keep it on! Surprises" Surprises? More like 50 shades of wtf! I need to stop, like right now.

"Just get changed into this and I'll guide you downstairs" Harry handed me some clothes that felt rather heavy.
"Ahem, little help? Kinda can't see" I can see this ending in A&E. Wish me luck, wait can I wish myself luck? Shut up! God now I'm annoying myself.

"I wanna know what the surprise is!" It was me, Josh and Harry in his car so I'm hoping Josh will spill by accident. Its not my fault I hate not knowing.
"Fucking hell Josh, imma duct tape your mouth in a minute! That's the fifth time" Harry shouted annoyed, whatevers planned he wants it to be kept a secret.
"Sorry, just excited" A sad yet still some how energetic Josh wined.
"I know sorry dude, just want it to be a surprise... Remember what we did with your little girly friend Esme?" Oh my god that name, makes me think of magic for some weird reason. See my weirdness shows more and more each day.
"Oh yeah, she loved it. Although she nearly died" I'm so lost. So I'm being taken somewhere where a girl nearly died. Knowing my amazing luck I will die.


"We're here! We're here! Time to go S-"
"Fucking hell Josh" I think it was more of a game for Josh now as he was now pissing himself in the back seat, I think hes been drugged or something.
"Can I take my blindfold off yet? I think its giving me brain dizzys" Wow you watch the helium challenge 100 times and it sticks with you.
"Wait, get out then you can"

"And open!" Omfg Im going to die. See you in hell guys. Love you all. Bai.
"Skiing! The view its beautiful!" It hardly ever snows in London, i missed it.
"Do you want me to move then?" Harry smirked waiting for a reaction. Its such a bad joke though. Such bad.
"Jump off this mountain... just jump"
"C'mon lets go!" Josh shouted rushing off into a crowd of people.
"Fudge sake Josh wait up!"


"Having fun?" Honestly yes and no. Yes because its awesome being up here in the snow but no because I keep falling over, I swear I'm actually going to die.
"Yeah just worried about, you know surviving" I mean for god sake even Josh was doing better than me but then again he does live here. Still a 10 year old is doing better than me.
"You'll be fine, you have the expert here after all" Harrys about as good as me so we're screwed.

"Harry? Hi!"
"Brooke? What are you doing here?" Brooke so tall, like what the fuck. Shes the same size as Squeezy.
"My family are working here for awhile since our bakerys being shut down" Thanks for the introduction Harry.
"Shut down? Why?" Brooke another of Harrys exs. The one before Maddie. I actually remember seeing a picture of them two in a bakery.
"Apparently it wasn't up to the health inspectors standards. Anyway can we get off this topic, still hurts" I'm not judging. Totally not judging.

"Sure. So how is your family?" I could literally walk off and no one would notice."Mason just turned 18, but I guess you don't care seeming what happened between you two" Yeah you know how I said I'd die here yeah I'm about to die from boredom.

"I'm going to get a drink" I'm not standing there looking like an idiot when this was supposed to be skiing with Harry and his family, not Harry and Brooke time.

~Brooke's POV

"Whos she?"
"Thats Caitlyn, my girlfriend" R.I.P heart. Maybe I can stir a little.
"Why'd she walk off like that? Is she ok?" Bitch thats my man and only mine.
"I dunno, its her first time skiing maybe she felt sick? I hope shes okay"
"If it makes you feel better I'd never leave you" I can see the worry and disgust on his face, this is going to be harder than I thought and may turn out badly...

-- Cliffhanger kinda. I think. Don't judge meh.
I might be updating this every 3/4 days but you gotta admit they're getting longer and more juicy... they don't go together and now I have a bad image in my head. I'll leave you all with that image as well, your welcome


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