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I wake up with a pounding headache. I roll over and hear my back pop. The ground is hard so I open my eyes. Why am I on the ground I think to myself. I try to remember what happened last night but all I remember was going to that party. And having one drink or two or three or more. Who knows. That's all right? I get up and take a shower and get dressed in my clothes. Ring Ring

"Hello?" I say. I forgot to look at the caller id.

"Hey it's Kurt. Are you going to the new direction party tonight?" Kurt says. I cough out the water I was drinking.

"Um Blaine you okay?" Kurt asks worried. I'm still coughing.

"Ok I'm coming over you've been acting strange for a while now." He says and hangs up. What is he talking about. I hear the doorbell and walk down stairs and open the door. Kurt rushes in and hugs me.

"What's the matter with you." Kurt asks. Looking concerned but also annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused on what he's saying.

"Well first you called me and said you were dying and then you wouldn't stop coughing." He says still concerned.

"I'm fine." I state even though I feel like I got hit by a car.

"No you're not." Kurt says and he drags me to my bathroom. I sit on the floor with my face in my hands. I hear the sink go on then off. I felt something cold on my neck and I flinch.

"Chill down Blaine it's just water." Kurt says. I loved how Kurt was always there for me. Then he puts the rag on my face. It helped very much. Kurt sits next to me.

"So I guess you're not going to the party tonight?" He says but it was more of a question.

"No no I'm going I'm just gonna rest for a while." I respond as I get up and lie on my bed. I close my eyes as the world starts to disappear.

"Blaine! Get your lazy ass up!" Kurt yells into my ear. That made me sit up quickly. Which resulted in my head hitting his head. We both held our head in pain then laugh about it.

"We have to go if we want to make it to the party." Kurt states. I look over at the clock and it read 8:30. I slept for 6 hours. What has Kurt been doing while I was asleep.

We drive to a house that is holding the party. As we walk in Rachel nearly squeezes us to death.

"Hey everybody! It's out two favorite gays." Rachel says stumbling onto the couch. I walk over to Artie.

"How much has she drank?" I ask in a low voice. Artie looks up and laughs.

"Half a bottle." Artie says as we both crack up laughing at poor innocent Rachel. Finn picks her up over his shoulders and walks her to another room to calm her down. She runs out screaming let's play spin the bottle and so we did.

"MY TURN." Rachel says and spins the bottle. It lands on Sam and then kissed a little too long. Then Adam goes and it lands on Kurt. Just my luck I say to myself as I mentally roll my eyes. But they just had a small kiss. Thank god. It goes to Sebastian and it lands on Santana. The start to make out right in front of my face. I get up and leave. I went home. I got a text from Kurt at midnight.

Hey hey Blaine I don't know where I am or how to drive. Lol silly goose. ~Kurt

I groan and make my way to my car I get in and drive back to pucks house. When I arrive I see Kurt sitting on the wet grass looking up at the sky.

"Kurt get up. Where's Adam?" I ask. And Kurt looks at me with sad eyes.

"He said I was weird when I'm drunk so he shoved me out off his car." He explains with tears in his eyes. "But it's okay because your gonna take me home." Kurt says with hope in his voice.

"You can't go home acting like this. You're gonna crash at my place tonight ok?" I say in a kid voice making sure he understood me.

"K" he says. As he sits in the passenger seat. On the way back to my house Kurt glances at me and then looks away and then glances at me then looks away.

"What are you looking at." I ask annoyed. He giggles like a child.

"You're funny when your mad" he says and then pokes my face. I just groan and roll my eyes.

A few minutes later we arrive at my house. And Kurt bounces at of the car and runs to my bedroom. I get up and follow him. I walk into an empty room. There was no signs of Kurt.

"Kurt, where are you?" I say in an echo voice. I search around my room for a drunk Kurt but there was nothing.

"ARRRRRGGGGGG!" Kurt yells as he jumps on back, knocking both of us on the ground.

"I'm sorry," he says in a kiddy voice, on top of me. We both sit up by each other.

"It's fine Kurt," I say laughing off the situation. He looks me dead in the eyes and smirks.

"Would a kiss make it better," Kurts says with a smirk as he moves in closer.

"No Kurt." Closer. "Kurt, I have a boyfriend." And Closer. "Kurt, YOU have a boyfriend." And Closer. "Kurt, you're still drunk." And Closer. I got backed into a wall. Our faces were inches away.

"Kurt, this will be cheating and I don't want to.." I start until Kurts lips crash into mine. I have to admit it was a very pleasant kiss but I have to stop it. I pull away and Kurt looks at me. He just walks out of my house. I stare with unbelief.

*makes weird sounds* I just finished reading of mice and men and I'm dead literally dead.
Other stuff
Love you all
I don't own glee.

~Brooke xoxo❤️

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