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I'm an awful person. I just cheated on my boyfriend. The only person who will ever love me. I call him up.

"Hey Sebastian?" I say through the phone.

"Hey What's up?" He says.

Can I come over really quick?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." He says and hangs up.

I walk to my car and get in. I start driving to his huge house. When I arrive, I knock on the door. I wait a minute and then it opens. I look up to him.

"Hey babe," he says giving me a kiss on the nose.

"We.. We need to um talk," I stutter out. As I walk in. We start walking to his room.

"Blaine what's wrong?" He asks looking down at me.

"I kissed someone," I choke on my words. He's bright eyes turn dark and cold. His fist clenches and lips curve down.

"Who was it!" He yells. He steps forward and I step backwards, trying to keep a distance between us.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper. Tears falling out of both of our eyes.

"You know what? It's okay." He says, suddenly calms down.

"It is?" I ask softly. He nods his head. He takes a seat on the couch and I sit next to him.

"I still love you, and nothing can stop me from loving you." Sebastian says.

We hug and I leave. I drive to Kurts house. I knock on the door and Finn opens it.

"Hey dude. Kurts upstairs." Finn says reading my mind.

"Thanks dude. Hey Rach!" I say as I rush upstairs. I knock on Kurts door.

"Finn go away." He yells through the door. I continue to knock until he opens the door.

"What the hell Finn oh hey Blaine," Kurt says as he opens his door. We start talking and then I notice something. His neck looks bruised and so did his eyes. They look like they've been covered up with makeup or something.

"Hey Kurt, what's happen to your face?" I ask squinting while brushing my thumb across his neck. He jerks away.

"Oh that I just ran into something and hit my neck. It's no big deal." He says with a smile.

"Ok um can we talk?" I say with sadness joining in with my voice.

"Sure, come in." He says while opening the door. We walk in and sit on his bed.

"Well you know what happened last night, well I..." I was cut off.

"Look whatever the hell happened it was a mistake. We are friends only friends. I don't like you in that way, and I will never like you in that way. Ok?" Kurt says harshly with a serious face. Some many emotions came into my head. I stand up and run out of his house.

"Blaine wait." Kurt is yelling. I start to drive off with tears in my eyes. I can barely see the road. I pull over and let my feelings take over. I cry and cry and cry. I meant nothing to him. Why would he say that. I cry some more. My heart is in pieces and I now know Kurt is the love of my life. I drive back to my house and just go to sleep.


I wake up to my alarm clock. School has finally started up now that winter break is over. I get up and change into some denim skinny jeans and a white shirt with a white and black checkered bow tie and a black jacket and some black converse. I've been so upset lately because of what  Kurt said to me. I skipped breakfast and left to school. I see Sam and we walk into school together.

Klaine - let me love you❤️Where stories live. Discover now