I found you as a hatchling

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Scott pov

I walked my usual route home. I found myself at the edge of the forest.

I should go around. But this way would get me home faster and it's already past sundown.

I reluctantly walked into the forest, knowing well the creatures that lurk inside.

I must be crazy to be out in this forest, especially at night.

I walked swiftly through the maze of trees, just wanting to get home.

There was some small rustling in the bushes. I tensed up for a moment before resuming my walk. The rustling continued but sounded closer. I shone my lantern near the bushes. I was surprised and scared by the creature. It was a naga hatchling.

A hatchling? Those are rare and deadly. And if the parents are around, I'm screwed.

I took a step back from the young killer to be. It looked at me with innocent snow white eyes. It was almost cute. I was still very concerned for my life. I was about to run when the child wrapped its tail around my leg.

Where are the parents? I've had my fair share of naga books and I know that a naga this young could never survive on his own. Surely he wouldn't be alone unless- No. Hunting nagas is illegal now because they're so rare. But that doesn't always stop people.

The young child looked up at me and smiled, his baby fangs barely visible. I sighed, knowing that his parents either abandoned him or were killed. 

I can't just leave the poor thing here. He's actually pretty tame for a naga. He hasn't even hissed at me.

I pried him off my leg to get a good look at him. He smiled at me sweetly.

God he's cute.

"Do you have a name?" I asked.

I'm not sure exactly how old he is, but surely old enough to know his own name by his size.

"Vincccent." His name being dragged out because of his snake nature.

"Well Vincent, my name is Scott..." I said, putting him down.

He instantly hugged my leg, giggling.

He must like me. Nagas usually hate humans, but Vincent doesn't. Maybe I could take care of him...

I picked him up and put him in my messenger bag, making sure he could see. His scales went up and he hissed as I put him in, but he soon calmed down once he understood what I was doing.

I sighed and started walking home with Vincent.

What the hell am I doing?

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