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(This is kind of long!! 917 words!! But it was worth making it, 'cause I made it FOR YOU!! Enjoy~)


I can't go to the party without (Y/N). I know she's got important items that I left behind at her house. I know she's lying. She's a bad liar.

I need them because I'm meeting with someone...special. I can't go to him empty-handed. I have to think of something.


I really don't wanna go so I really don't care what I wear. I put on some jeans and a plain white shirt. Before I could even leave the house, Erin burst through the door carrying a makeup kit.

"Let me fix you,"she said, a smile creeping onto her face.

<Time Skip>

"Oh my gosh."

I stared at myself in the mirror with pure amazement. She made me look like a model!!

She curled the tips of my hair and trimmed some very uneven edges. Then, she brushed a bit of blush onto my cheeks. She put mascara on me and applied blood-red lipstick to my lips.

"I know right,"she laughed,"you look gorgeous. Oh, and put this on."

She handed me a long white dress. It took me a moment to realize that she was wearing a knee-length green dress while carrying a frog mask.

My eyes grew wide. "Nope. No mascaraed parties. Not doing it."

"But...but...but you said you'd come!!,"she pouted again,"It's not even that scary. Trust me. It's actually funny."

"Fine. Whatever,"I sighed.

I went to put my dress on while shaking my head over and over again. I can't believe I'm doing this.

Before we walked out of the door, Erin handed me a swan mask that stops at the bridge of my nose. I put it on with an over exaggerated sigh.


We finally got to the party, which now seems like a ball. And I realized that Jimin wasn't the host. Why was he even going to something like this?

As soon as we stepped inside, there was classical music playing loudly. What.

"Erin, where's the food?,"I asked her. But she wasn't answering. "Erin...,"I turned around and saw that she wasn't there.

Great. I lost my source of direction. I realized that standing around wasn't gonna help anyone—especially not me. I started to walk to who knows where until I bumped into someone.

"E-excuse me,"I mumbled.

"Can I help you?,"the man asked.

"I'm just looking for something to eat,"I admitted,"but I'm not hungry anymore."

"Oh,"he said, looking a bit discouraged. But then he smiled. It was an awfully familiar smile, though. "Well...uh...care to...dance?,"he asked as he extended his hands towards me.

Without hesitation, I grabbed his one of his hands and placed my order hand on his shoulder, while he grabbed my hand and slid his other around my waist. I probably should've thought this through first but whatever. I'm here to party.

"You look...swan-like,"he said hesitantly as if not knowing what to say. Is that an insult or a complement?

I just pretended to understand,"Thanks."

More awkward swaying took place. But soon, it wasn't awkward. We locked eyes and from there, we never broke eye-contact. It was like time was frozen and the only people on Earth was me and him.

I was about to ask for his name until he said softly,"That bracelet is really beautiful...,"he stopped dancing and held my wrist in his hands.

I forgot I was wearing that. Erin gave it to me. It has shiny white swans outlined with some type of silver material, and the chain is a royal blue.

Then he looked back at me, a slight blush creeping upon his face,"...almost as beautiful as you."

I blushed furiously. Thank goodness, this mask is covering most of it. Although, the guy's mask only covered his eyes, hence, I could see his pink cheeks.

"B-but you can't see m-me,"I stuttered. It reminds me of how I act around a certain someone. The name's not coming to me.

He leaned in close to my ear and whispered,"Why don't you lift your mask, then?"

My blush faltered as my face turned pale. No one can see me. I just can't do it. "I..." I can't just leave him waiting, either. He shut my stuttering up with a kiss. He pulled away and my cheeks are now red again.

But he's just so...familiar.

"Could you,"he motioned to my mask,"take it off, now?"

I stare at him for what seemed like forever. And then, and only then, did I want to take the mask off. When I look at him, I feel like I know him but I don't. Does that make sense? Ugh. Probably not.

I reached for my mask but the worst thing happened—the clock struck midnight. I dropped my hands from his own and I stared at him in disappointment. "I'm sorry..."

I backed away slowly. "Wait!,"he yelled, slowly following me,"Who are you! What's your name!"

I opened my mouth to speak but my kind of savior, Erin, came and grabbed my hand. "Time to go before my mom finds out I'm gone!! Let's go!!"

With that, she yanked me to the door. Without even noticing my now bare wrist, I gave one last desperate wave to him as he stared at me with pure confusion and frustration. But he managed one last wave, too.

What a night.

I J-Hope you liked it!!

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