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"So how was it? Tell me everything" I say to Tan, she went on her date with Jim yesterday and I wanted to know everything. She blushes and says "everything?" "Everything." I reply.
"Okay well he came up to my front door dressed really nice and even had a rose for me" she starts, "he was such a gentleman, he opened doors for me, he took me out for dinner at White Spot and then..." She hesitates to say the rest, "and then what? What?!" I question, "we might of had sex" she whispers. I scream and ask, "was it good?! How big was he?!"
"Honestly it was great", she giggles while blushing, "and he's pretty big" I scream and laugh. "Shut up!" She says while laughing. While we are laughing my phone goes off, I check it and it reads "New Friend Request From: Connor Franta"
"Oh hey, Connor sent me a friend request" I say, "I still think he likes you" Tanya tells me.
"Oh shut up, he doesn't" I reply.
--------------------(a few hours later)-----
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I got a message, "From Connor Franta: which questions was it for the homework?" It reads, "10 through 23" I reply, and then put my phone down to get changed. When I pick it back up it reads, "From Connor Franta: thanks, I'll see you tomorrow" I quickly reply with a bye and get into bed. I had to get up early the next day so I was going to bed at about 8pm. I plugged my phone in and closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep.
---------------(the next morning)---------
My alarm went off at 6:00 this morning and I went through my usual morning routine.
Once I got to the school I went to the principals office because he wanted to speak with me, which is the reason I had to get up so early.
"I'm switching some of your classes" he says as I sit down, I look at him and say, "why? Which ones?"
"Why doesn't matter but your math class and science class are going to stay the same, and now instead of woodwork you have art and instead of  Spanish you have metalwork." He explains, I nod and he lets me leave. I leave his office and head off to math class.
-----------(art class)------------------------
"And we have a new student today" the teacher says as he points to me, "Mr. (Y/f/n) (y/l/n)" he says, I look around and notice Connor is in this class, as well as Jim. When I see Jim I remember what Tan said about his size and I giggle to myself. I walk over and sit behind Connor but in front of Jim.
"So today I'm gonna need you guys to pick some partners for a project, I'll give you a few minutes to decide on who's gonna be with who before I continue." The teacher explains, I tap Connor on the shoulder and ask him if he wants to be partners. "Yeah sure" he responds.
After a few minutes he says "is there anybody who doesn't have a partner?" The only person who puts their hand up is Jim. "Okay Jim why don't you go with (y/n) and whoever he is with." The teacher suggests, "okay" he says and then the teacher explains what we are doing, "so basically what you guys are gonna be doing is painting a portrait of the other person, doesn't matter what pose or where or what just as long as every person in your group gets painted." He explains, "the person being painted has to stay in a certain position as the others paint the portrait of them, got it?" He asks, the class responds with some okays and sures and nods.
The teacher introduces me to the class and I look around, Jim is in this class but that's the only person I recognize. I walk over and sit next to him as the teacher explains what we are doing.
"Hurt Tan, and I'll hurt you" I whisper to Jim when the teacher finishes speaking.
Hey guys! Bandit here, I know it's kind of a crappy chapter but it's a set up for something in the next chapter which will be up like right after this one 😊.
So thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed :)

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