A Trip?

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"From Con💕:Hey (y/n)! Can I call you? I wanna talk to you about something." The text read.
Normally these kind of texts don't scare me but... I'm kind of scared.
What if he wants to break up with me? What if he has a life threatening disease? What if he's moving??
"To Con💕: Sure hun" I type back. My hearts racing, and I'm pretty sure my head might explode.
I wait to hear the ring.
There it is.
"Hello?" I answer
"Hey babe! I have a question" he responded.
"Yeah sure what's up?" I ask him
"I have two tickets to Disneyland, wanna come with me? It would be just the two of us." He explains.
"Oh my god yes I would love to!" I reply, "when?"
"They're for tomorrow?" He said sounding unsure if I could still come.
"I'll come!" I said excitedly.
"Alright I'll come pick you up around 4pm? We'll be there for a week so pack enough clothes for at least 7 days." He explained.
"Okay Hun, I'll see you tomorrow" I replied.
"Yep, love you!" He said back.
I stopped, blushing furiously.
"Umm... I- i mean...." he stumbles.
Oh my god he just said he loves me.... HE LOVES ME!!!
"I love you too!" I said back, smiling like a child who just got some candy.
I heard a sigh of relief.
"Bye babe" he said
I heard the phone click.

He loves me.... and he's taking me to Disneyland..... this is the best summer ever.
Hey guys! Sorry this is so short, I'm just kind of setting some stuff up. Thanks for the suggestions and I'm having a lot of fun with this fic
Thanks for reading!! :)

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