Chapter Eleven

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*Nash's POV*

I look at Izzy to see if she is okay.

Her gaze looks at Sarah in confusion for awhile before things click in her.

No wonder why they haven't called for her. They would've called for her, to find her. Who wouldn't want Izzy? She is by far the sweetest child I have ever met. No one deserves this. Not at this age.

"Izzy, I am so sorry. The foster home, they called, they... They can't do anything for you... You-" Sarah begins to sob, her entire body shaking.

"Sarah, come here." I call for her quietly and she gets up and runs back to us, embracing Izzy tightly.

"I am so sorry..." She cries and continues to say sorry to her. Minutes have gone by of sorry's and kisses on the cheek and forehead. Izzy pushes herself away from Sarah and looks between us.

"I can't what." She shouts and I flinch at her sudden outburst.

"You can't go back to them Izzy, they can't take you back. They want to, so badly, but they can't. The police... They told them that you need to find somewhere else for your safety..."

I look down at Sarah in dismay. "Sarah, what does that mean, 'for your safety'?" She shakes her head and tangles her fingers into her hair pulling on it. "Sarah." I pull her over and she tries to push herself away from me hitting my chest protesting. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly and eventually gives in and cries into my neck. I motion for Izzy to come to me and does in a rushed manor. She squeezes herself into the small space of my chest that isn't already pressed to Sarah's body. "Everything will be okay beautiful," I whisper into Izzy's ear and gently kiss her forehead.

The house seems to become quiet, quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

"We aren't safe here. We need to leave, as soon as possible." Sarah whispers after she stopped crying. "Izzy, there's a suitcase under your bed, start packing whatever you think is necessary. Don't forget underwear and a hairbrush, and toothpaste with your toothbrush, and... And, just grab everything." She sits up, her hair messed up and strands stick to her face that's covered in dry tears.

"Sarah-" I begin before her expressionless eyes pierce mine.

"Hamilton. Get your clothes. We need to leave. Now." She stands up and helps Izzy off of my lap and heads upstairs while I sit glued to couch.

Heaving a sigh I lift myself off of the couch still in deep thought.

Opening Sarah's doors I see her frantically throwing clothes onto the bed.

I sit on the bed criss-cross and begin to fold her clothes and place them into the massive suitcase placed in the center of her bed.






"Sarah? Don't you think you have enough? I don't think that your suitcase can take your entire room. You can't be Mr. Krabs and take the entire hotel room."

She responds with pointing towards a second suitcase that has been covered by clothes.

"Oh." I pull the suitcase out from under the growing pile of clothes, still packing the other one to the max. "Make sure you have socks, and a brush, and toothpaste-"

"Nash! Shut up! Just pack the fucking clothes!" She screams, turning around to stare at me clutching clothes in both of her hands. I put down the shirt that I was folding and walk over to her in long strides. I raise my hand to brush the hair out of her face and she flinches covering her face. "Please don't hurt me," she says in a shaky voice, "please, please don't."

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