Chapter One: Meeting Nash Grier

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I woke up from the dream-



Tangled in the hotel bed sheets.

And wet.

I don't know why I had a dream like that. I never think that way, so why do I all of a sudden get such a sexual dream like that? Maybe it's the fact that someone was having it next to my room and I fell asleep thinking of the boys.

I push this out of my head sighing and decide to get up. I look at the clock to see that it's almost 2:10. I reach the little knob on the dresser and whip around doing a double take. "FUCKITY FUCK FUCK." I yell realizing that the Magcon meet and greet raffle opportunity has long since passed. Well happy day for me. At least I still get to wait in a now long ass line to get some stuff signed. Huffing out angerly, I quickly jump into the shower to shave and freshen up. I don't bother putting on makeup because I'm only going to see them for five minutes.

Yet again it's the Magcon boys...

I apply some brown eye shadow, mascara and eyeliner to my tanned face. I smile satisfied with the result. I pull on some purple faded skinny jeans, a black crop top t-shirt that says God Dammit in white lettering, and galaxy Vans.

Oh before I continue my name is Sarah Jane Smith, 16 years old, 5'7", and I'm about to meet the boys of Magcon. To be honest, I'm not one of the girls that is obsessed with them and have a whole collection of their stuff, and is going to be screaming and crying. Yes, I do like them, I'm just not in love with them. I grab my room key, my sweatshirt and a water and sprint to the Magcon event on the main level in a giant room.


Once I'm in line, and about 10 people away from Nash I hear a little girl crying a few people behind me. I turn to see what looks like a mini me and smile. But I noticed that the little brunette with green eyes is alone with no guardian, and none of the girls around her seem to even notice.

Thots be thirsty.

Out of habit I make my back to the little girl and squat down to eye level. Tears are streaming down her face, and she whimpers just a bit. "Hey sweetie, are you lost?" I ask in a hushed tone and she shakes her head. "Are your parents here?" She nods and I sigh.

"They went back to the room. They said that they'd be back to see the boys with me!" She sobs and my heart breaks. Who just leaves their daughter in a giant room full of crazy girls.

"Would you like me to stay with you in line?" She nods and takes a deep breath. "So what's your name?" I ask trying to get her mind off of her parents.

"Izzy. It's short for Isabelle." The corners of her lips go up, forming a smile. At least I'm doing something right with this.

"How old are you Izzy?"

"Five years old... Well six actually. Today's my birthday." She smiles and does a little happy dane, twirling around in her green dress.


Parents leave her-

On her birthday.

"Happy birthday Izzy!" I say cheerfully pushing my negative thoughts away. I open up my arms for a hug and she rushes into me, almost pushing me over. Izzy starts to cry again and I pick her up, and rock on the balls of my heels, swaying back and forth. I lightly bounce her up and down, moving up in the line that has grown shorter. Two people are in front of us and I try to tell Izzy who has buried her head into my neck. I sigh wishing I knew how to help her. I'm finally up and in front of Nash who has a worried and concerned face when he sees Izzy. I quickly take out my phone and go to notes. I type a little message to him not wanting to talk.

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