Chapter Twelve

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*Izzy's POV*

The car was extremely quiet and I kept shifting uncomfortably because of it. Sarah had turned on the cold air because of humidity in the car, I cross my arms and rub them with my hands warming myself up.

Nash looks in the rear view mirror at me and gives me a half smile, which is forced. I may be young, but jumping around from one house to another, gives you an experience that you don't want to have. Knowing when someone really loves you, is very very hard.

I've gotten used to the 'love' I got and saw it as the true caring and happy loving you would get from a parent. But once I met Sarah, I've learned what love feels like. Silly for me to say right?

Nash unbuckled himself while we were at a red light and climbs over the the weird thing in between the two front seats to sit beside me. He buckles himself back in and begins to take his hoodie off when the car lurched forward.

"Sarah!" Nash shouts, tangled in the sleeves of the hoodie. "Slow down!"

"Sorry..." Sarah mumbles back, and I see her grip tighten on the wheel, knuckles turning a ghostly white.

I feel an arm go behind me and look over at Nash who's placed his warm hoodie in my lap, putting the sleeves around my neck like its a backwards cape.

"Hello princess," Nash whispers to me and rubs my cheek. "Want anything to eat? Cheese stick, apple, fruit snacks maybe? Or Capri Sun?"

"Uh, cheese stick please." I feel like this is one of those family road trips the other kids that I had gone to school with talked about after spring break. I begin to smile to myself and Nash hands me a cheddar cheese stick with the wrapper still on the bottom half, sort of making it look like a banana with the two flaps wilting down like a dying flower.

Reaching under his chair he grabs a metal bar pulling it up towards himself, the sound of a small click hits my ears and his seat moves forward. At the same time he pushes or pulls something else that is out of my view that reclines him backwards, and a small smile settles on his face as his arms go behind his head. Nash closes his eyes and is in a deep sleep soon after.

It feels like hours, or possibly has been, until we are parked in the lot of a motel. I take the backwards cape off of me and toss it at Nash's head and he jumps in to a ninja mode, hands in a fighting stance.

I cover my mouth to suppress my laughter.

With a grunt he unbuckles me after he does himself and lifts me onto his lap. Swinging the door open we both exit the car. Sarah has already paid for a room and leads us to it, giggling the key into the lock before turning it opening the door. I jump on to the nearest bed with a running start, kicking my shoes off and getting under the covers.

"Izzy, you need to change first, and brush your teeth and hair..." Sarah begins to instruct me and her words begin to merge before I drift off once again.

*Sarah's POV*

"Nash, she needs to get ready for bed properly. Change into pajamas and brush her teeth. It's something that you should just do." I pace back and forth in an anxious manner throwing my hands in the air for emphasis when I pivot on my heels to face him. He slowly and delicately intertwines our fingers while keeping eye contact. As he pulls down my hands the corners of his lips do the same expressing a painful frown. He lets out a long aggravated breath before pulling me to the second queen sized bed in the room, the one further away from the small window that provided a lovely view of the vacant and somewhat haunting lot. Flipping the covers of the right side over he makes me sit down while he gets pajamas for Izzy, himself, and lastly, me. He sets them down neatly folded on the corner of the bed.

"I'll take care of Izzy, go change," he sighs quietly before gently rocking Izzy to try and wake her up. Hesitantly making my way over to the bathroom I get my toiletry bag containing my toothbrush and paste. I come back out to see Nash brushing Izzy's hair while she brushes her teeth. I watch them silently from the end of my bed.

"She's out," Izzy states while yawning. Nash's head snaps up with a glare that pierces me through my eyes and to my soul. I freeze as if I'm at gun point afraid that whatever I do will result in me getting hurt. The two of them get off of the bed and go into the bathroom and I hear the lock click.

What did I do? That's the question that I keep mumbling to myself as I squeeze myself between the wall and the bed. A ringing noise keeps buzzing in my ears so I cover them in hopes that it will stop. Shutting my eyes as hard as I can I try to erase the image of his eyes.

I don't know how long I've isolated myself in the dark corner, full of crumbs no doubt but it didn't even occur to me. My hands are forcefully removed from my ears causing me to open my eyes. My eyes adjust to the dim lighting with black dots showing up every time I blink.

A pair of green eyes glare at me, hungry and angry, full of a wanted and long due lust. He licks his lips and the smile of Satan plaster across the face I wish I never would see again. His greedy hands smelt of nicotine as he reached out to grab me by the throat.

"Don't touch me, you monster!" I yell pushing away the hands.

"Sarah," a voice to which did not match the one who was reaching out to me, "Sarah Smith!" I shake my head, blinking multiple times. "Sarah, it's me... Nash." I tilt my head trying to register things.

He climbs between the wall and bed, kneeling so he can look at me.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks in a hushed voice.

"I... I thought that you," pausing to breathe in shakily, "were him. I thought he found me. That his hands were around my neck and I couldn't breathe. I'm just putting you two in danger. As soon as the sun is up, I'm leaving here. I can't and won't put you in danger. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to Izzy or to you." Peeking my head up just above the bed's covers to see a peaceful sleeping girl. Probably dreaming of ponies or candy, something I wish I was capable of doing. "She's already lost so much... And right now she needs you. She loves you Nash."

Just like how I'm starting to...


A/N: Hey guys, not gonna try and give you some bull shit reason as to why I haven't been updating (once again).

Here is the real question:

A. Have shorter chapters with quick updates

B. Have longer chapters with slightly longer updates

C. Discontinue this story all together

Please comment A, B, or C because I'll be taking that seriously.

Chapter dedicated to:

Mendes_Sartorius for commenting and making me smile.


imaginationmagcon_ who messaged and asked me to update. (Yes I'm late with updating :)).

Anyways, I hope you all are on holiday/vacation and are having fun.

Or just happy in general.

Much love,

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