Chapter 1

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I followed Brie into the cafeteria as we had just finished our segment and I just needed a moment of quietness.

"So are you finally planning on telling me?"

I heard Brie as we sat down in the empty cafeteria, the benefits of coming here while the show was on as most of the wrestlers roamed the hallways .

The non benefit was my sister who was staring at me and I realized my quiet time shouldn't have involved her .

"Telling you what Brie?"

I looked up at her as I scrolled through some messages John had left me which I wasn't planning on replying to .

"What exactly is going on with you and John ,Nicole" she narrowed her eyes at me and I sat back.

"Nothing I ended things so what else would be going on?" I mumbled.

"Its you and John things just don't end completely between you two!" she stated as she bit into her apple.

"Well they have.. I made the decision so I know its not what I want anymore. I just hate the fact that he thinks I'm changing when I'm not, I'm just being me.The same Nikki Bella ..."

" I know you did but its been done before so excuse me if I don't believe that this time" she rolled her eyes and I could feel my annoyance growing.

I had ended things with John about a month ago and ever since then she has been on my case nonstop about it. As well as my brother and mom . I had stopped answering their calls but its not like I could avoid my dear Brie.

"Wow hoping you would support me was too much too ask hey!"

I dropped my head back and took off my snapback and set it on the table.

"You don't need to be a bitch you know? I'm just trying to understand what is happening with you these days.."
"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying I think I get where John is coming from thinking that you're changing."

"Are you actually serious right now Brianna?"
"I'm not saying that you have always been a ray of sunshine but you're acting real weird lately"

"Maybe its because the people in my life are fucking annoying!"

She raised her eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"Everyone is constantly on my case and telling me what I need to do in my life and I'm sick of it. You're upset cause you think I'm settling and then when I decide I want a break everyone has a problem with that as well. What do you actually want Brie?"

"Nikki calm down anyone could just.."

"No one told you to bring this shit up here at work.. Besides this is the furthest cafeteria from the Gorilla no one will be coming here!" I stood up and placed on my snapback cap again.

"When else am I supposed to? You are avoiding everyone and I'm pretty sure you are seeking some attention!" She stood up as well.

"That makes so much sense!" I couldn't contain my sarcasm.

"I am done being with a guy who doesn't accept me due to me 'changing' and who doesn't think of my needs.God forbid my twin sister would see it my way!"

"Nikki you don't realize it but you are confused and next month you'll be wanting him again and then I have to deal with that again and its just tiring.." she shook her head.

"Tiring for you ? Its my life Brie! ... And no I won't want him because I want something different in life. The complete opposite of John fucking Cena!"

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now