Chapter 36

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I was currently stretching my back with one of Bryan's rubber bands as it had been acting up a bit and well the Beast's hands were not available..

"You said Nicole was here?" I heard my mom in the lounge area and saw her sit down with my sister.

"Yes I am.." I walked out and set the band down.

"Why?" She asked Brie but Brie was staring at me.

"I needed to use Bryan's thing for my back.." I shrugged stretching some more.

"Oh .. I thought you spent the night here"

Brie and I shared a look.

"You did, didn't you?" She raised her eyebrow.

I sighed and sat down next to Brie bringing my knees to my chest.

I sighed and sat down next to Brie bringing my knees to my chest

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"Yeah.." I mumbled.

My race out of the restaurant had been absolutely pointless as Brock hadn't answered any of my calls and since he had the key card I was locked out of the room.

I didn't feel like getting another one as there was no point in that either . He was clearly mad at me because of the stupid dinner so me being there would just result in a huge fight I wasn't up for .

Not stupid as my mom had gotten engaged but stupid because my brother had ruined everything .

I didn't think he was that mad though, I mean he was Brock Lesnar and my brother was definitely pushing it I would not have blamed him if he hurt JJ as I felt like punching my annoying brother.

"Why Nicole?"

I sighed, "Brock uhm ..."

"He was upset" Brie stated , "and I would be too.. JJ was an idiot"

"I know and I apologize, I had a talk with him "

"Mom his a grown man, who actually needs to grow up." I shook my head.

"Are you sure that Brock is mad because of that? "

"What else?" I frowned as everything was fine before the dinner.

"The fact that he didn't know about the whole marriage and kids story.. He was blindsided Nicole "

"And JJ definitely didn't help with his whole love story thing" Brie added.

"And JJ definitely didn't help with his whole love story thing" Brie added

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Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now