Chapter 18

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I walked out onto the ramp with both Roman and Dean staring at me shocked when they knew I was in the building.

My distraction caused them to get hit behind by those Dudley Boyz and I stood in the middle of the ramp watching as I heard the crowd chanting for me.

I was waiting for my opening, Dean was the one I wanted the most and I saw him exit the ring to attack one of them and I immediately took my chance as Roman was down in the ring and I ran and brought a knee to his gut.

I was waiting for my opening, Dean was the one I wanted the most and I saw him exit the ring to attack one of them and I immediately took my chance as Roman was down in the ring and I ran and brought a knee to his gut

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I heard the bell ringing as I had clearly caused a disqualification and I immediately threw Ambrose against the barricade and I felt Roman hit my side causing me to stumble and he kept giving blows.

I tried getting rid of him but soon felt Ambrose as well as they double teamed me which fucking pissed me off.

As they rolled me into the ring I could feel my anger rising as I briefly thought about what I had heard and seen earlier .

I was walking around as Paul had a segment with that Ambrose kid so I figured I would find Nikki and hear how her meeting went as even though I was angry I could see she was worried about it.

But only she wasn't there, I heard her sister on the phone talking to Bryan I guess, so I simply walked on wanting to grab something from the cafeteria when I heard her laugh and stopped.

Of course it was his locker room, they were both seated on the bench facing each other .He reached out and held her hand and it took everything in me not to go in there and tear him apart as I felt that she was mine but she wasn't.

"Look I will always be here for you and that's something coming from me , you, Roman and Ren are pretty much my only family and I love my family and I would kill for my family and while I wouldn't kill Brie because well Bryan is sort of a friend and.."

I heard her laugh again and I hated that he was the reason for it, "there we go! There's that smile! Score Dean - 1 Brie -0 " he chuckled.

"Look I'm your homie , your boyfriend" he smiled brightly , I couldn't see her face though.

"We're Nean !" He said proudly and then he had to make me fucking more pissed.

"You're mine..." He said to her as he pulled her into a hug.

I didn't stay around to see them fucking kiss or whatever shit.

I saw her about five minutes after that and she greeted me but I simply ignored her as she was with him moments ago and then wanting my attention again.

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now