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Grace: You're early.

Ryan: Well, good morning to you too.

Grace: You usually come around 2:40 or later.

Ryan: (Shrugs.) I decided to come early for a change.

Grace: I'm glad you like me so much. I knew— (Stops talking. Stares.)

Ryan: What?

Grace: Your arms.

Ryan: What about them? (Looks down.) Oh.

Grace: (Runs finger down them. Frowns.) How long?

Ryan: Two years ago, when I stopped talking.

Grace: How long have you been clean?

Ryan: 0 days.

Grace: Oh, Ryan. (Shakes head.)

Ryan: I'm sorry.



Time: 7:15 AM

Patient: Ryan Higgins

Reason: Depression

Improvements: None

Comments: Came early

Scars all over his arms

Scars all over his arms

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