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||Lexie Jenson||First Person||
   "Lexie... Get oUT! YOU DONT LIVE HERE ANYMORE!!" My father yelled. He acted like he was insane, he was twitching and moving constantly.
   "I need my stuff, dad," I said trying to stay calm. I looked at Tyler. He was just as scared as I was.
   "Get out of my house Lexie, and don't come back. Oh and who's that you're with? Some boy that your probably fucking to get money?" My father asked, yelling.
   And that's when Tyler stepped in. Like seriously, he stepped into my old room.
   "Mr. Jenson, I need you to calm down. And no, I'm not giving Lexie money. I'm giving her a place to stay until she can do things on her own. You can't do this to your own child!" Tyler yelled, trying to make his sweet, soft voice loud, and deep.
   My father did the opposite of calming down. He jumped up from my bed, and punched Tyler in the face.
   It was like I completely lost control of my body. I ran up to my dad, jumped on top of him, and knocked him to the ground. I quickly pulled Tyler up, and burst out of my room.
   Running down the stairs while holding Tyler's hand, we sprinted through the kitchen and out the door.
    It all felt like a blur. Like it was some sort of dream. But it wasn't. It was reality.
   I carefully shoved Tyler into his car, and I ran to the drivers seat. I grabbed the keys, and turned the car on. Then I drove away.
   "Oh my god. Oh my god. Tyler are you okay?" I asked, looking at his face.
He was bleeding. His nose was bleeding. His lip was bleeding. His eye was already swollen. A whole half of his face was red.
   "I'm.. I'm very far from fine," he replied. I pulled into a parking lot, and reached over and hugged Tyler. Like a full on hug.
    I unbuckled and turned to the side all the way. I held him in my arms. And he held me in his arms.
   "I'll be holding onto you," I whispered in his ear.
    We both collapsed in each other's arms and just stayed like that for a while. The heat from his body comforted me. I just wanted to stay like that forever. He needed it, and I needed it. Our brains were sick, but that's okay.
   "I think I'll be fine," Tyler finally said, pulling away.
   "Are you sure?" I asked.
   "Yeah," he replied.
   "I'm so sorry that happened Tyler. I didn't know he would be like that. I should've just made you stay in the car," I told him.
    "Lexie, if you went in there yourself, he would've probably hurt you way worse than he hurt me," Tyler said, trying to calm me down.
   I turned back on his car, and drove back to his house. Once we got inside, I got an ice pack and gave it to Tyler.
   We both sat on his couch, next to each other. We both just stared into each other's eyes. His warm brown eyes, and my cold, ice blue eyes.
It was 4 pm, and we decided to get early dinner. Tyler invited his friend Josh. Josh came with his girlfriend. I didn't know her name.
We ate at a fancy restaurant. Everybody there was dressed up in nice clothes such as silky, smooth dresses. And wearing flawless makeup, with expensive necklaces.
And I was there wearing a dirty, maroon jacket, with black leggings, and grey converse. My shoulder length brown hair was a mess.
I wondered why Tyler had to pick this restaurant, instead of Taco Bell or something. The world may never know.
"So.. My names Josh. What's yours?" Josh asked me, shaking my hand.
"Alexandra, but I go by Lexie," I answered.
"Cool," he replied.
At the restaurant me and Tyler sat by each other on one side of the table, and Josh and his girlfriend sat together on the other side.
Josh seemed like a pretty nice dude. He dyed his hair pinkish/ red and his smile was godlike. His eyes were pretty sick too.
But for some reason, I felt like Tyler was the one for me. I hadn't really thought about him in that way before, but now I realized it.
Tyler was the only one there for me. He actually let me stay at his own house because he saw how horrible my life was.
I then realized that Tyler was too good for me. His sparkly brown eyes, and soothing voice, and fluffy hair was meant for a better person than me. His great personality of being kind, sweet, funny, and comforting was just too good for me.
What was I thinking? That he would fall for me, and ask me to be his girlfriend?
He probably thought what my father thought, that I should jump off a bridge.
Maybe I should... Maybe..
"Lexie, eat your salad," Tyler told me.
I forgot about my food.
"Oh yeah," I said, picking up my fork.
Tyler had paid for my food. He kept on telling me that it was fine, even after I argued with him to let me somehow make money and pay for it myself.
It would be rude to waste his money by not eating, so I ate much as I could.
Finally, after everyone was done eating, we left. Josh was going to go to Tyler's house afterwards.
   At Tyler's house, which was pretty much my house too, Josh and Tyler hung out most of the time.
    Me and Josh's girlfriend, Mandy, talked, getting to know each other.
A/N: Ok so I know Josh doesn't have a girlfriend in real life so I just made one up lol
Then after a couple of hours, they left. Me and Tyler were alone.
"So... What are we gonna do?" I asked him. Everything was really awkward.
"Lexie, I was just wondering, are you okay? Like mentally okay? Are you sad, or depressed?" Tyler asked, looking straight into my eyes.
I had a lump in my throat. I trusted Tyler. But what if he would leave me just like my mom did. Should I really just open up to a person I met 2 days ago?
"I.."- I burst out into tears. It's too long of a story.

A/N: Hi. Tomorrow is Monday so I probably won't have time to update this for the rest of the week. Sorry.

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