More MIW Bitches!

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The following words are a vaguely accurate account of the night The Ninja Cat met MIW, possibly witnessed Balz discovering the entrance to an illuminati base, and almost froze herself to death.

The moment I had successfully uploaded the earlier entries to this weird diary thing, I threw my goth boots on and left for the venue. I got there at like 2 but screw it, the hotel room wasn't doing my psyche much good. There were about 10 people stood around and after a fair amount of awkward standing around on my own I finally talked to someone. Well actually 2 people, a couple, that I kind of third wheeled for the rest of the night, but I don't think they minded. They were at that kind of comfortable stage with each other where they could've been best friends as much as they were a couple. That, my friends, is relationship goals, and they were awesome people.

They also happened to be doing the meet and greet, hence we hung out for the rest of the night. And thank fuck I went early, as it turned out it started at 5:30 and anyone not there by 5 wouldn't get in, so fuck whoever that guy was earlier. If I'd listened to him I'd have been fucked.

Fast forward through several hours of English winter air and we're taken to a church. A muthafuckin church for a MIW meet and greet! We sat in neat lines in the pews like good metal fans.

By this time I was so cold the poster we got given actually seemed to warm my legs.

5:30 rolls round, the guys come in, joking about the fact they're in a church. Ghost (who has well and truly gone back to the feminine look) heads straight to the alter, kneeling in front of it like he's praying, though to what God I guess we'll never know. Balz wonders around doing vocal scales and listening to the echo. After talking to us for a bit, Chris can't resist hearing what his own echo sounds like and joins Balz.

Introductions and random exploration of the church over, Chris announces the start of the Q&A. The following is some snippets of it:

The weirdest thing Chris has received was a tissue with the dudes blood on it

The weirdest thing Ghost has received was a pair of second hand shoes which weren't even his size.

Ricky causes the least problems for their tour manager. He seemed surprised and celebrated.

Balz derailed the whole thing at one point, having spent pretty much the whole time staring at the floor tiles, to point out a place where the pattern was wrong. This somehow led to the possibility of it being the entrance to an illuminati base.

Chris eventually dragged everything back on track, with Balz still staring at the offending tiles.

Someone asked about tour stories and Chris produced his phone, stating that it gets asked enough that he's written all the good ones down. There are 33 if anyone's wondering. From the couple of stories that are told I can tell you:

Do not ask Ricky to do anything before he has drunk at least one cup of coffee. Preferably several. I know everyones going to be like 'well yeah, duh' but seriously, if you ever get the chance, ask them to tell the Ricky hissy fit story. I think its number 23

Do not leave a plastic tarp near an RV's engine and fall asleep. I guess you'd call this the 'no one realises the RV is on fire' story. Blame Ryan, he was driving.

Q&A over, stuff was signed and pics were taken. Balz was still obsessing over the tiles. Chris complimented my boots, totally not just because he owns the exact same pair XD

Other info I took away from this:

American accents are about 150% stronger in person. Seriously, I hardly notice them in recorded interviews but in person it was crazy strong. I have no idea why that is a thing.

Balz is short as fuck. I knew Ricky was going to be tiny, but seriously, without the platforms, Balz would've been pretty close to his height.

Also Chris isn't as tall as I was expecting. Still tall, but as a self-confessed short ass, I was expecting him to dwarf me, and he really didn't.

Anyways, back out into the cold and standing round for another hour, we get let in to the actual venue. The 3 of us manage to get front row, by one of the pillars so we'll have something to remain standing with when it gets cray (believe me, we needed it!).

First band is meh, but they were bought in super last minute when Chelsea Grin couldn't do the new dates so whatever.

New Years Day was awesome, I have no idea how she managed to fix her throat enough to sing, but she did and you couldn't even tell she was sick.

Motionless in White kill it. Probably one of the best gigs I've been to. I'm so close to Chris, he's dripping sweat on me and those around. Also, thank God for my pillar. From about half way through Motionless' set, I credit that thing with my life.

Afterwards we managed to get our tickets signed by Nikki, Jeremy, Brandon, and Trixx. Ashley remained out back, presumably being told to look after her voice. We remained outside the stage door for about an hour in case we could manage to catch her, but when she eventually emerged her tour manager was doing his best to get her straight to the bus. She rebelled long enough for a few people to get selfies but he eventually won, and I'm not mad. Like I said in my last entry, she was pretty ill, and if she loses her voice that's kind of a problem.

So we head back to the hotel, my new gig friends are staying at the same one, swap numbers, and go to collapse on our beds.

Lastly, to give you a scale of how cold I'd gotten by this time, even with the heat boost from head banging and jumping round like a lunatic, it took an hour for me to warm up with the rooms heating on max.

Totally worth it though, 10/10 would freeze my ass off for again.

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