The Spark In His Eyes

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Spring Saturday Afternoon...

You and Michael are playing outside, enjoying the cool breeze hitting your bodies. "I'm going to get you, Y/N!! Never underestimate me!!" you heard the joy in Michael's voice.

"We'll see about that, Jackson!!" you shouted, running as fast as you could. Michael is your long time friend. Even though he's the one and only.... Michael Jackson... to you, he's just simply... Michael... your applehead.

"Na na na na boo boo! You can't catch me!" you teased. You could hear him chuckling in the background. "Try me..." he almost grabbed a hold of you. Luckily... you shifted your body the other way, making him slip and fall on his face.

"Oh... Who's the jack rabbit now??" you started to run again. You didn't noticed Michael getting up off the ground, running after you once again. You turned around to see him a few feet away from you. "Oh, no!!" you screamed running even faster. Unfortunately, you weren't fast enough as Michael grabbed your waist. "Gotcha!!" he yelled in victory.

You tried to break free but it only made it worse. Suddenly, both you and Michael fell onto the grass with him on top. He pinned both hands on the ground. You couldn't move.

"Well, I guess I'm still the jack rabbit here." he said out of breath. You laughed trying to loosen his grip. He's really strong. "Yeah... you were lucky." "I don't need luck. I'm always good at what I do, Y/N." Michael... always the perfectionist.

"Ha.... In your dreams." you argued. "You're really asking for it, aren't you?" Michael asked raising a eyebrow. "Maybe I am... Maybe I'm not... What do you think?" you asked urging him on. "I think you want it."

"Do you, Michael? Do you?"

"Y/N... I did it before... I can do it again." Michael said bringing his hands towards your stomach. You glared at him with competitive eyes. "Bring it then, applehead."

With his long skillful fingers, he began tickling you. You tried your hardest not to give in. Though, you failed. "AHHH!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" you laughed uncontrollably.


"NEVER!!" you refused. This made him tickle you even more. "SAY IT!!!"


"YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!" he went under your shirt to your under arms. You hated to be tickled there.

"NO!!! PLEASE!! NOT THERE!! I ALWAYS LOSE!!" you begged.



Michael smiled pulling his hands from under your shirt. "See... Was that so hard?" Michael asked giggling. You stared at him with attacking eyes.

Michael was about to get off of you when you had enough energy to jump on him. Michael was way off guard.

You began tickling him in the same places you were tickled. "OH!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Y/N!!" he couldn't breathe. "Who's the best now??"

"ST-STILL ME!" he answered rolling over on top of you. Both you and him were rolling across the grass. This led to Michael being in between your legs. "Like I said, Y/N... I'm the best at what I do...." he said. You rolled your eyes. "Oh, whatever.."

Then you felt butterflies in your stomach. You've never noticed how beautiful Michael's eyes were. It's like a trance that you can't seem to get out of. His brown eyes brighter than the rays of the sun on a warm summer morning. How deep and soulful they look. His eyes are the colour of dark chocolate with flecks of hazel nut, sable eyes, the colour of hot chocolate, the deep brown of the winter trees at twilight, the lightened brown of parched summer soil, glossy chestnut brown, the colour of unvarnished oak with deep mahogany flecks, the colour of apple pips, mottled like varnished cork, the colour of a dessert palm tree with flecks of acorn shell.

"Michael..." you called him softly.

"Yes..." he answered.

"You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." you said placing your palm on the side of his face. Michael grinned blushing. You felt his hand on the side of your waist. He leaned in giving you a sift kiss on your lips.

He pulled back looking into your eyes. Never in the days you've known Michael that you would form feelings for him. You pushed his head down for another kiss. This time more deeper. Michael brought your body closer to his own. You roamed your hands through his curls enjoying the feel of them. 

Michael sat up making you sit on his lap. You pulled back with your head on his not looking away from his beautiful face. "Wow... That was... unexpected." you giggled. Michael chuckled. "Yeah it was.. but I liked it..." he said caressing your face.

You licked your lips getting up from his lap. You helped him up. "So.. what now?" you asked.

Michael wrapped his arms around you.

"I think I need to show you that I'm truly the best at everything..."

Michael picked you up bridal style taking you to his room proving to you that he is the best at what he does. ;) ♡

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