Chapter One

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I looked at Mark,  he was so depressed. It's really hard seeing him like this. I wish I was there with him and tell him that everything will be okay, but then again, he dosen't even know who I am.. Either way though, I wanted to beat the shit out of Jacob right now. I love him and all but it's hard loving him right now knowing how he made Mark feel. What he did to him.

    I went to Twitter and checked Mark's account. I saw one new tweet, it read "Missing someone so much it hurts" Jacob. I replied "Everything will be okay, it's hard at first, but trust me it will get better. Just talk about it?"

    I went to Facebook after to post a new edit of Jacob and Cameron. After 5 minutes I already got 250 likes, wow they're fast. I was about to turn off my phone when a notification popped out saying 'duhitzmark posted a new a video on youtube' I didn't even have to hesitate to click on it.

     As It was starting to play my mom came in " Zach is coming in two hours, be sure to greet your brother well not like last time he came back from tour!" Yes, the 'bruhitszach' is my 15 year old brother. No one really knows about me though, I'm like his invisible 13 year old sister.

   I played the video and when I noticed the title #macob I felt tears in my eyes flowing down my cheeks. It stung seeing this video that Mark put up.  It was basically of his friendship with Jacob to nothing.  I was about to go do an edit of both of them until I heard the bell ring. Who could it possibly be?

    I ran downstairs and opened the door.  "Surprise!" He said. I jumped on him and he almost fell but managed to keep balance. "I've missed you so much Zach!"

     "How come you came early from your flight?"  I asked. "Because this guy drove me here!" He screamed. Out of no where came out Cameron, like THE Cameron Dallas! I stood there in shock. Zach has been fangirling on him since when.

       "Hello Zach's little sister!" Cameron said excited. I smiled brightly "Hi!" He chuckled and asked if he could hang around a bit. I nodded and let both of them in.

         We sat in the kitchen table and Zach decided to make sandwiches for us. "So what do you like uhh wait whats your name?" He said kind of embarrassed. "It's Ariana" I said. " And I don't like much anything just uh let me start my list, One Direction, Mark Thomas,  of cource Magcon, and Matthew Espinosa." He clapped his hands. " You know, I can make all of them meet you, well except One Direction, they never answer my call except Niall!" He said laughing.

     I smiled but declined the offer. "I want to meet them by my own, I don't want anyone else just doing it for me you now? I want to achieve it myself, thank you though" I said and he looked shocked.  " Jacob will so like you. " I blushed " thank you, but can I please know one thing?"

       Cameron smiled and said "Anything." I took a deep breath and said " What really happened between Jacob and Mark?" .

Thank you so much for reading this! It means a lot since I don't get much reads! Please don't be a silent reader guys!❤️

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