Chapter sixteen

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      "Ariana you will hang out with......" Aaron paused and smiled. I looked at him weirdly. "The Rowlands!" He finally said.

        "The Rowlands? Like Hunter and Brandon?" I asked. He nodded yes and smiled. "Okay well bye guys hope you have another awesome day tomorrow!" Aaron said walking out the door. We said bye and then I just went to take a shower. As I was about to go in the bathroom Zach looked at my outfit, "who bought you all that?" I looked at my sweater and smiled. "Will." Zach smiled and left.

    Once I got out the shower I put on my penguin pj's. I went to my room and brushed my hair.  "SHIT" I screamed loudly. Zach came running to me and said "WHAT HAPPENED" I looked at my hair and said " I cant brush my hair" he stared at me and walked out.

       I saw the time and it was 10:00 pm.  I went to my moms room and I saw her sleeping.  I smiled and wrote a note saying 'No need to wake up tomorrow, Zach will drive me to school.'

        I went to my room and checked Twitter. I saw Hunter and Brandon tweet me and Jacob,Mark, Cameron, and Daniel texted me. I saw Hunters tweet first, :

      Hunter Rowlanda: @ariana.clayton cant wait for tomorrow!! YAY

    I smiled and tweeted him back.  I saw Brandons tweet,:

     Brandon Rowland: @ariana.clayton see you tomorrow cutie👀❤️

     I can tell Brandon is such a flirt. I tweeted him back just by saying 'Cant wait to see you guys!" FRIEND ZONED

       I checked Jacob's tweet and it said,:

     Jacob: hey Ariana, sorry I didn't get to talk to you much today. But tomorrow we can hang out a little bit maybe?
     Me: I would love to Jacob but I have to hang out with Hunter and Brandon tomorrow.

       Jacob: No! I begged Aaron to tell you to hang out with me tomorrow. Aaron would pick the Rowlands😭

      Jacob: I just realized what I texted you right now was super weird. Sorryyy

    Me: its alright😂 But I hope to hang out with you on Friday!

     I checked Marks message after,:

   Mark: hey Ari.. I need to tell you something tomorrow.

   Me: okay🙃

  I then checked Camerons message because he sent like 4.

   Cameron: Hey Ariana, just wanted to check how your day is going

   Cameron: ARE YOU OKAY BECAUSE ITS 10 and Daniel hasnt come back with Will and Carter!!

     Cameron: 773 415 6890 CALL ME IF ANYTHING BAD IS HAPPENING

    Cameron: ARIANAAA

    Me: heyy

   Cameron: Are you still with Daniel, Carter, and Will?!?!

   Me: no they dropped me off like an hour ago.

    Cameron: Oh No..

    Me: ill text him to see where he is.

   I texted Daniel but before I did I read his message.

    Daniel: Hayy Ari. Do you like the color green or maroon for nike?

    Me: Maroon, why?

    Daniel: because im at the mall right now and Im getting everyone a present.

    Me: Oh okay cause Cam was getting worried.

    Daniel: I knew he would. I'll call him right now. And you young lady, go to sleep!

   Me: ughh I forgot theres SCHOOL tomorrow 😭💀

     After I went to Youtube I got really happy, people actually like my new video!! I'll probably do one with Hunter tomorrow.

     School is all I thought about as I woke up. I'll probably call Weston to see if he wanted Zach to pick him up. I went to my closet and pulled out a sweater that said Dope on it and some light skinny jeans with my black and white vans. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put  my black rose earrings on.

     I ate breakfeast and called Weston

    Hey Weston, do you want Zach to pick you up?

    I would love to, but I want to walk with you only. Besides Im already at your front door. So open the door!

   He hanged up and the door bell rang. "Who is it???" Zach screamed running downstairs. "It's Weston, he wants to walk alone with me to school, so you don't have to drop me off" I said. He smirked and went upstairs. I got my Jansport bookbag which I LOVE beacause its just so BEAUTIFUL!

      "Hey Ari!" Weston said hugging me. I giggled and said hi. As we were walking to school we just talked about how my day went with Daniel. "So he got scared in the Superman ride?" Weston said holding his laughter. I looked at him and laughed.

     We got to school and I met up with Mark and went to first period. "Can you tell me what you wanted to tell me?" I asked Mark. He smiled and said "At lunch".

    Lunch time-

  I saw Weston sitting with Hazel and her friends so I went to sit with them. "Ayyy!!" I said. "Hayy" Weston and Hazel said. Crystal, Judy, and Angie just ignored me and continued talking to eachother in secret. I looked at them and then at Weston. He just shrugged.

     I was going to sit down but someone hugged me from behind. "Mark!" I jumped and turned to him smiling. I was so close to him. "Zayummm couple alert!!" Weston yelled causing half of the cafeteria to look. Me and Mark looked at eachother and got super red.

     "Hey can we go to another table alone? I need to tell you something.." Mark told me. I looked at Weston and he started making kissing signs. I laughed and followed Mark. "Okay so yesterday I hanged out with Jacob"

     Mark's Pov-

     "Okay so yesterday I hanged out with Jacob".

  New chapter yay!!

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By the way do you guys know how to cure a fever?😂

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