Chapter seven

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Guess what happened next.

He replied my tweet. ' Hey cutie ' How do I respond to that? The person I admire finally noticed me but I don't know how to respond. Great.

I ran to Zach's room and once I got there he screamed and hided his phone. I laughed "Talking to Ariel?" He turned red and said "Wh- what no!" and then I heard a voice from his phone that said "Zach you there?" Ariel. I laughed and Zach threw a pillow at me.

"What do you want?" he snapped. I got his phone and said hi to Arial. " I need help, you know how I love Mark but he dosen't know me? yea well today I got about 120k followers in twitter and tweeted Mark saying ' It sucks when you love someone so much, but they don't even know you' and then he tweeted me back saying 'Hey cutie' and I just don't know how to respond!" I said trying to catch my breath.

" Just act chill and say something!" Zach told me. I sighed and went to twitter. I replied to him and said ' @duhitzmark I never said Hey but, hey :) ' that was stupid. My tweet was stupid. Im stupid.

Zach then started to follow me. After 2 years he finally followed me. "Did you see that I finally followed you?" He said giggling. I nodded and smiled. 10 minutes later I received another follow request.

I sighed, this is like the 40000 time someone requests to follow me literally. I saw and it was Mark. Mark Thomas. I screamed and Zach fell off the bed bumping into his desk. "You almost made me kill Jimmy!" he screamed fixing Jimmy's bowl. Zach has been super protective over his new fish he received from a fan about 4 days ago.

I laughed and made him look at my Iphone. He smiled and hugged me. "He finally followed you without my help!" I laughed and said I'm going to bed. As I was getting out of his room he yelled "You better stay up late! This is your last day before you go to school!" I forgot about that. It's 10 right now so might as well stay up till 5 a.m.

I got dressed into my penguin pj's and turned on the radio. '679' came on and I started to sing along and try to dance. (I suck at it). All of a sudden I hear someone laughing. Zach. I continue to dance and try to look where he is. I see him at the door with a camera. He must be on younow. Might as well get back at him.

I turned off the radio and pretended to talk to my friend on my phone. "I just cant keep his secret anymore. Zach is in lo-" "HEYYYY ARI" Zach came in my room giving me a glare. I couldn't contain myself and laughed dramatically.

15 minutes later Zach and I were playing Kill, kiss, marry. "Okay, Weston, Mark, or Mario" Zach said. "I haven't actually met Mario so I'll kill Mario.." Zach then covered his mouth and tried not to scream. "Kiss Mark, even though I love him, I've never even had a conversation with him" Zach then started jumping and kept saying 'Omg omg omg!!' "Marry Weston because he's my bestfriend" I smiled.

I updated! Yay I guess. Be sure to comment, and vote. Thank you! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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