I have to use a phone

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This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

No, I don't mean I turn into the Duchess in 'Downton Abbey'. I mean I have to experience the horrors of making and/or accepting a phone call. I know, the struggle is real. *insert heavy load of sarcasm here*

Allow this clever, but true cartoon to explain:

This story is my favorite example for why I hate communication that is not pen to paper or vocal sound waves to inner ear drum (a phone is electronic sound waves!)

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This story is my favorite example for why I hate communication that is not pen to paper or vocal sound waves to inner ear drum (a phone is electronic sound waves!)

I used to have a job working in a movie theater (more introvert stories to come from that!).

It was an old movie theater, therefore we had an old clunky phone that was absolutely impossible to understand what someone on the other end was saying! 

I was fairly new to the job, and had so far not had to answer the phone (huzzah!)

Yet, that fateful day soon came. I was the only one at concessions and the phone rang.

That evil, torturous device cackled at me as I timidly drew near.

'Hello, thanks for calling random name movies, this is Boldpastel, how can I help you?'

And thus began a ten minute long phone call trying to figure out what a very frustrated person was trying to say. (They wanted to know if we had 3d movies)

'Muffle, muffle....'


'Muffle! Mumble!'

'I.... I'm sorry, I didn't quiet catch that...'

It is very hard to explain why many of us introverts despise making or accepting phone calls, but for me, I think, it is because its difficult to understand what others are saying. Not only because phones muffle things but you can't be in person to interpret their body language. It stresses me out that I can't tell how they're reacting to me. It's like talking to a mine field. You don't know where the triggers are and you could explode.

I need to prepare myself when I'm making an important call... or any call for that matter.

What are they going to ask me? whats my response? How do I ask them this question?

It's scary and takes a lot of effort!

We should all just correspond by letters.

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