Another Romance.... thing

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I'm sure there will be further developments on this situation, but you guys seem to like the awkward stories that come from my mostly non-existent romantic life, so I'll update as life occurs this time, instead of waiting for the event to be complete. You're welcome.

This one has a twist though, I actually do like this person.

Cue the soap opera music and give a close up on my face.

badadaadaaa dun dun dun.

I go to church and have attended this particular one for almost a year now. I've made a lot of really good friends. One of which I have grown to like a lot. 

Sigh, emotions.

I was at home for the summer, upon my return to university and church, I began to notice that our friendship was slowly morphing. We began to be in the same circles of people talking. We attend the same small group (kinda like a christian friend hang out thing that happens once a week).

 Then we started talking together, introverting in the outskirts of people. (people talk and catch up before church starts).

Recently, he came up with an excuse to sit by me at church (note he has sat in the same spot ever since I had joined). 

Then the next week he came up with another excuse.

The week after that, he invited me to join him at his regular spot.

Its been an awkwardly cute shuffle of shy introvert.... bonding? mingling? .... I wouldn't say flirtation, thats too extroverted, but it has been an introverty flirtation.

When I was sick, he texted to ask how I was.

We find excuses to talk to one another whenever.

The thing is we're both shy, and awkward. 

I have trouble even admitting that I like this person to my friends. So I plan on talking about this with someone this week. My first feelings admission, I suppose. 

And I'm sure that shall procure an interesting story to tell y'all, as I'm sure it is blatantly  obvious to my normal friends that I like said person, who shall remain anonymous but might need a nickname for me to refer to them as. (comment any ideas!)

In the mean time. Suffice to say that I am utterly confused by emotions and fumbling with showing them to the people I care about.

Two posts in one night! boo ya!


p.s.  (please note I'm a college student age, it is completely normal to not like anyone, or not have had a relationship at my age and even older. I know when I was younger I felt pressured and ashamed for not having that, but that is a lie. It is totally normal, never rush into anything as important as a relationship.)

Thanks for reading about my life, as strange as it can be at times.

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