Chapter 10

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---3rd person---

"Make a path to Ace's rescue!"


"To the execution platform!"

Aki could still hear everyone's yells, everyone's words, she glanced up, seeing them all, fighting, swords clashing, gun shots, everything.

Yes, Aki could hear everything, yet all she could do was sit there, holding her stomach, praying to god that the baby would hold off, just for a little longer.

I... I don't have time for this... She thought as she bit her lip, causing the taste of blood to fill her mouth. Why.. Why am I so useless? Why can't I even save one person!? Ace needs me.. he needs me now more than ever! But I... but I..

Aki stopped her thoughts as she stared up at Ace, only to see him bending over, his forehead against the ground in front of him as he bit down on his lip hard as tears streamed down his face.

He must be remembering.. thought Aki. He's probably wondering back to the time when he wondered if it was good he was born. Yeah. I remember him telling me all about that


"Hey Aki.." started Ace.

Aki turned her body to face his as they lay in bed together, cuddling.

"What is it Ace?" she asked, trying to catch his gaze yet he only stared at the ceiling above him as he spoke.

"Was... was it good that I was born?"

---end of flashback---

Yes, she remembers that look in his eyes. He wasn't joking at all. He genuinely thought that he should never have been born because of the things people said about his father. 

Aki remembers when she told him it was good he was born, that it was in fact the best thing ever. She remembers telling him everything, all the great reasons he was born yet, she still saw that look in his eyes, that slight longing, that tiny, little part that didn’t believe everything she said was true.

She always had hoped that maybe one day, he would truly believe that it was good he was born.



"Just a little further! We're coming now, Ace!"

"Clear a path!"

"Here we come, Ace!"


"Ace! We'll definitely save you!"

"Wait for us, Ace!"

"Don't you dare give up!"

I hear them all, everyone's voices, I opened my eyes, looking only to see them all there, such determination in their eyes as they kept running towards the execution platform.

They didn't falter, even when they were hurt, bandaged and wounded, they kept on running towards Ace.

I.. I have to help them.. I have to help.. I need to do something!..

"Move it, Magma-brat!"

That voice. I thought as I shot my head up, looking to see Whitebeard swinging his bisento at Akainu.

"Pop's.." I whispered but before I could do anything, he instantly shot his left hand to his heart as his eyes widened in pain before falling to his knees and spitting out blood.

Red And Blue Flames (one piece fanfic) [Portgas D. Ace love story]Where stories live. Discover now