Chapter 15

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---3rd person---

Ace's grip around Luffy tightened as he saw Teach. He gritted his teeth, it made him feel sick just to see such a disgusting man standing, living. Seeing that man that killed his crewmate-no his close friend and the man who he failed to kill. 

"Shiliew! You.." started Sengoku. "What happened to Magellan? What happened in Impel Down!? How did you all get here!?"

Shiliew only smirked before pulling his cigar out of his mouth and blowing out smoke before speaking.

"Doesn't the fact that we are here answer your questions... Fleet Admiral Sengoku-san?"

Blackbeard let out a laugh. 

"If you want to know the details.. you can go find out for yourself later." said Shiliew. "At any rate, I've decided to team up with these guys. Keep that in mind."

Marco also stood there staring up at Blackbeard. He was the one who had caused all of this. Screwed everything up. He was the one that needed to pay. 

Even with Luffy's mind shattered and Aki also in shock, both Marco and Ace could only stand there, watching the scene before them. 

"None of that matters!" growled Whitebeard as he brought his arm back into a fist. "Teach!" he yelled as he smashed in his fist with so much power into the air in front of him, cracking it and sending the huge quake through the entire half of Marineford, sending marines flying as well as destroying the execution platform. 

Smoke and dust filled the air but of course, the attack didn't affect the Blackbeard pirates. 

"That was really close!" said one as the all appeared through the smoke still in the same line as they were on the platform. 

"We barely made it out in time." said another. 

The only one missing in the line was Blackbeard who soon appeared a few feet in front of the others, easily pushing a giant boulder off of him. 

"You aren't holding back!" hissed Blackbeard. "Well, I guess that's to be expected."

"You're the one person I will never call my son, Teach." said Whitebeard, his voice deadly and ice cold. "You broke the one iron rule on my ship... You killed a member of the crew! So that the Fourth Division Commander Thatch may rest in peace, I will take this fool's life, and settle the score!" he yelled as he pointed his bisento right at Blackbeard.

But he gave a grunt after his speech, closing his eyes from the pain he was feeling. 

"Old Man!" yelled Izo seeing he was in pain. 

But Ace acted quickly, placing Luffy on the floor before he began to run to Whitebeard. 

"Ace!" yelled Marco as he too placed Aki on the ground before turning into a phoenix, both making their way toward Whitebeard wanting to help. 

"Ace! Marco!" growled Whitebeard with his loud booming voice causing Ace to stop in his tracks while Marco dropped to the ground morphing out of his phoenix form.

"Old Man!" they yelled in sync. 

Whitebeard took a few heavy breaths before speaking once more. 

"Stay out of this!" he growled.

"Old Man!" they yelled again both right on the edge of the cliff. 

"Take care of Aki! You got that!?" he yelled. "Let's settle this, Teach!"

Ace bit his bottom lip, he was torn completely in half. He had the choice of leaving now and saving both his little brother, his girlfriend and his future child, or staying and helping his Old Man who he still owed so much. 

Red And Blue Flames (one piece fanfic) [Portgas D. Ace love story]Where stories live. Discover now